39. Accident

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Maahi's pov:

I am so busy these days. I have my semester exams and Zaan has been my biggest support. He males sure that I am not disturbed and comfortable. He makes coffee for me at night. I hate it when he won't sleep at night and keep tabs on me. When I ask him he always says he also have office work today. Lair I can clearly see he has no work. He just keeps looking at me. I hate it but I kind of like it as well. The only thing that bother me he avoids intimacy. She never let me come close to him. When ever I ask only answer get is..Don't think about anything just focus on studies. Sometimes I get frustrated. I want him and want to be with him. I thought usually who can't stay without s*x but in our case I have to push him for it. Am I not attractive?

I came out of my thoughts when he snapped fingers infront of me.

Zaan said,"What are you thinking? If you are tired then just sleep otherwise continue studying you exams are so close. You have to score well."

I glared at him. What? I have no other task than sleeping or studying.

He said,"Are you hungry? Do you need food? Tell me I will get for you."

I said,"I am not hungry."

He extended his hand and said,"Drink this hot milk and rest for a while. When you wake up you study with fresh mind."

He is really annoying me now.

I said,"Zaan..I don't want to sleep. Let me decide what I want to do."

He sighed and said,"I just wanted to help."

I said,"You want to help me, right?"

He nodded.

I said,"Then tell me the reason why you are staying from me?"

I started his forehead as if he is tired.

He said,"Maahi..it's nothing like that. Why will I stay away from you? You are overthinking. Your brain must be tired. Sleep."

I said,"Liar..What is wrong with you?"

He said,"Maahi..please don't stress out. I am telling truth. I have no issues. I am happy. You are my wife. Why will I stay away from you? I don2 know why you are thinking negitively."

I said,"I am thinking negitively? Since last week you have not touched me. Whenever I come close to you, you always make excuses. I don't understand what changed
Before you were not able to stay away from me and now you run away from me. Why Zaan? Why?"

He said,"Enough Maahi. What are you thinking about all this trivial things when you have your tests to worry about."

I said,"Trivial things? My husband lost interest on me. My marraige is in danger and you say trivial thing? I don't know what you think about our relation but for me this is my life Zaan. I can't see oir relation falling apart infront of my eyes. I don't want to lose you. I love you damn it."

He took me in his arms. I cried on his chest. I am scared. I don't want to lose him.

He said,"Shhhh..stop crying. God what rubbish going on in your mind? How can I lose interest on you? I want to be with you always. I don't want to lose you either. Our marraige is for forever. You have to trust me on this. Maahi you have no idea how much affect you have on me. I am not good at expressing my feelings. Please believe me I don't want break our relation. I am happy with you."

He cupped my face and kissed on my lips. Small peck.

I said,"then why you are staying away from me?"

He sighed and said,"We are back at that. Maahi, Please stop asking this. I promise you that whatever you are thinking is not true. I have not lost interest on you. I want you as much as you want me. May be more than you."

I said,"Really?"

He said,"Yes." He kissed my forehead.

I wrapped my arms around his neck.

I said,"Show me."

He said,"huhh?"

I said,"Show me how much you want me."

I slowly trailed my hands from his jaw to neck. I started opening buttons of his shirt.

He caught my hand and said,"Oh shut. I forgot Maan bhai wanted discuss something important with me. I will just go to him."

He was about to leave. When I said,"But he is not at home."

He said,"yes he is not..he is at office. I am going to meet him. Take care. Rest for a while.bye."

He is lying. Something is going on in his mind. I have to get to know What's happening?

I went to sleep for a while. I woke up from my sleep when I got from Zaan.
He sounded worried.

He said,"Maan bhai got into accident."

I was shocked. Maan bhai.

I said,"What? Where? When? I mean where are you?"

He said,"City Hospital."

I can feel he is on brink of crying. Maan bhai is his everything. Brother, father, friend, guide..everything.

I said,"I am coming."

I cut the call. I took cab to the hospital. When he saw me he wrapped me in his embrace. I can feel his tears on my shoulders.

I said,"How is he?"

He said,"He is in very bad condition. Doctor are saying He got very badly hurt on head. Lot of blood is lost. I can't lose him Maahi. It will be like losing my father again. I can't"

I cupped his face and said,"Listen to me Zaan. He will be fine. Nothing will happen to him. You have to be strong for him and Ammi. By the way where is Ammi?"

He said,"I have not told her. She can't tolerate this. Maan bhai is her life. She will not be able handle it."

I said,"but you have to tell her. It's not fair she needs to know."

He said,"No. I am telling you we are not telling her anything."

I sighed. I will convince him later.

Just then Doctor came to us and said,"Operation is successful. Next 24 hours are very critical. We can't stay anything till then."

We were in hospital. After sometime I got call from Ammi. I told her to come to hospital. She asked for reason but I didn't tell her.

Once she came Zaan glared at me.

Ammi said,"Why are you guys here? What happened?"

Zaan didn't say anything ao I said,"Maan bhai got into accident."

She fainted on this news. Zaan was immediately got her before she hit the ground. When I tired to go near her He shouted,"Don't come near her it's all because of you. I told you not to tell her."

I said,"But she is mother. She needs to know about her child."

He said,"SHUT UP. Are you happy now by telling her truth?"

He walked passed me taking Ammi in his arms. After that he didn't talk to me.

After 24 hours doctor told us that Maan bhai went into coma and they are not sure when he will be back in consicious.

Ammi is sitting with Maan bhai once she got consicious. She is not talking with anyone or responding to anything. She sat beside Maan bhai holding his hand like a statue.

I said,"He will be fine, Ammi."

She didn't say anything.

I was about to go when she said,"Be with Zaan, Maahi. Take care of him. Don't be like Jiya because of her my son is like this. I regret the day I chose her for my son. You know yesterday was my son's first wedding anniversary. He was very upset since morning. I tried to talk to him but he avoided the topic. I should not have let him go. Please be there for my Zaan. Please... "

I looked at door to see Zaan looking at me with Anger.

Hope you are enjoying :)

How many of you guessed this is about to happen? I think whoever read 'you are all mine' might have known.

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