1.97 Sisters

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The Imperial Palace obviously never lacked of space, and Emperor Zhang was more than willing to accommodate the King of the Northern Plains and his entourage within the strictly guarded inner compound of the Palace.

The several congregated courtyards, laden with tastefully built independent rooms and structures, made for almost a complete estate by itself.

Once, these normally unoccupied areas were built for and used by the previous generations of Emperors' expansive harem.

Emperor Zhang himself, although he also possessed more than a handful of women in his harem - which was necessary for his political support, as these women all hailed from distinguished families and ministers - had never used the rooms. During his rule, the rooms were maintained, but had been hardly occupied.

It was perfect to host the King of Jing, who had brought along numerous people as his retinue.

Jing YuLan and her handmaidens were allocated to several beautifully decorated rooms with lavish furnishings. The beds, linens, and cushions that graced the rooms were made of the softest fabrics and feathers. The furnitures were of the highest quality of workmanship. There was no doubt that the rooms they had been assigned to had been designed for Royal Princesses, Royal Concubines, or ladies of high standing.

Jing YuLan could not find fault in the whole arrangement. Zhang was a rich Empire, and the Imperial Palace definitely did not spare any expense for its construction, furnishing, and continuous maintenance. It was every bit grander than the Northern Plains' more simplistic Palace.

She lazily lied on a long daybed while thinly robed.

Although she had removed the elaborate dress she had worn when she revealed herself in front of Da Lang royalties, the summer heat still brought her slight discomfort.

"Princess," one of her handmaidens greeted her with a slight bow of her body as she entered her room from outside.

"The Yong WangFei is waiting outside, wishing to seek audience with Princess."

YuLan straightened her body immediately as she smiled, finally feeling a little reprieve from the boredom she had been feeling. She draped a layer of thin outer cloak over her body to make her a bit more covered and presentable.

After the commotion she had caused back at the banquet, the Emperor had to call for order, temporarily separating the Jing group and the rest of Da Lang's personages.

This included SongLi himself. Both were reluctant to part, their fingers were still linked to each other even as JingHan coaxed her to return to their appointed table; Ji ChanFang kept coughing deliberately as well - not very subtly - for his son to return to the Ji's appointed platform.

After the banquet ended, everyone from Jing had been ushered to stay at this particular part of the Imperial Palace.

JingHan had assured her though, that he would have a proper talk with the Emperor and Ji ChanFang.

Hence, she could only wait, making herself as comfortable as she could in her appointed room.

"Please let her in!" she sat on the daybed in anticipation. After all, YuLan only briefly saw Ji LanBai from a distance back at the banquet.

The soft hesitant steps that were soon heard, from the direction of the front door, caused her heart to beat just a little bit faster as she braced herself for Ji LanBai's arrival.


"Yu...Lan?" Ji LanBai called from behind the flutter of hung fabrics that separated the outer small living room and the inner bedroom where YuLan was supposed to be. Ji LanBai gulped nervously as she debated if she should just proceed inside the room. She linked her fingers in front of her dress, rubbing over her inner palms lightly to ease her anxiousness.

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