Chapter 11

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"Right ladies and gentlemen you are expected to write a 10 paged essay addressing what I have discussed with you and the issues on the PowerPoint. This would be due on the 15th of December. This can be emailed in case of an emergency but I would prefer it if you printed it out and handed it to me."

Everyone made a sound of agreement before packing their stuff and leaving the lecture room. I packed my stuff slowly and prepared to exit.

"Excuse me Miss."

I turned around to come face to face with the lecturer. He was very handsome and had the perfect smile. His brown curly hair made him even more cute.

What am I saying Michelle?

"Hey." What are you doing Michelle? You can't address a lecturer like that!

"How are you?" He asked while smiling.

"I am good." Ask him how he is? "How are you sir?"

"I am doing great actually. I Haven't had the chance to talk with my students about how they are doing. And you were the last one here so I decided to talk with you."

"That's very nice. I am doing ok. I kind of understand the essays."

"Well that good. If you ever need any help just come to me Michelle."

"I will Sir." He winked at me before leaving me alone in the lecture room.

That was very unusual and I am shocked he knows my name.

I walked into the library and took my seat on an empty table. I got out my textbook and started to make notes on how I am going to start my essay. My essay was mainly about why people commit crime. Only this is in depth. I put my earphones in and started playing my songs.

Drake in my feelings started to play. I tried to move my feet discreetly to the music. I drew a spider diagram and wrote what I would like to include in my essay. This essay is going to be good. I gave myself an excited smile as I continued writing. I ripped the page of my exercise book and placed it next to me before starting a new page.

I am going to have this essay done early and in his hands by the deadline. I decided to write my essay out now and type it out later.


Thank you Michelle for your lovely video. I went to school and I wasn't scared! I actually liked it. Thank you for calming me down. Love you!

I smiled as the video ended there. I couldn't believe Lucy had sent me a video back. I was in my accommodation when I decided to check YouTube and saw that Lucy had posted a video called 'to my special friend'. At least she had a great time in school.

I wonder if Jack has told her that me and him talk and that we are even dating. Well 'fake dating.' I wonder if she knows that I am the girl her parents want to see. I started to feel extremely nervous. Jack makes out that it isn't a big deal but what if I embarrass myself.

What if his parents don't like me?

What if I say something wrong?

What if someone finds out that we aren't really dating?

I was lost deep in my thoughts that in didn't hear the knock on my door. Just a loud scream. I looked through my peep hole to see Kate on her knees on the ground covered in cream. I opened my door and saw someone in the clown mask standing over her. The minute the person saw me he ran away. I chased after him as Kate followed right behind. He jumped down the stairs and I copied too. He quickly rushed into his corridor and tried to close the door so we are locked but I shoved him to the side and barged in. He was slow to unlock his accommodation door so I jumped on him and attempted to pull of his mask. He was trying to escape my grip but I sat on him and continued trying to remove the mask. Soon Kate joined in while screaming at him.

"You think you can spray me and get away huh? Stop moving!"

A door in the corridor opened and a short blonde haired guy walked out.

"Can I join in with the fun?"

"No!" Me and Kate shouted. He pouted and turned to walk back.

"Wait!" Kate shouted as she held the masked man's hands down. "Please come help us!" The guy below us pushed me a side and pushed Kate away before unlocking his door and  running successfully into his room. We both turned to look at the short boy.

"Who is that guy?" I asked the short guy. "His name is Gerald. He is like 23 years old and I would keep away if I were the both of you."

"How come?" Kate asked

"I don't have good vibes of him." We nodded before getting up from the ground and going down to our corridor. Once in my room Kate let out a big sign.

"Looks like I would never be able to stop Gerald." She looked down at her hands the look of disappointment covering her face. Then an idea popped up in my head.

"Since we know where his accommodation is why not leave a note under his door with your phone number and maybe he would text you and tell you what's going on?"

Kate scratched her neck while thinking about it.

"OK but I can't just have my phone number on the note. I need to have something else written inside." I ripped a small piece of paper and wrote a message.

Dear guy in a clown mask, My name is Kate and since I got here I seem to be your main target. I want to know you and talk. Here is my phone number. Text me.

I showed Kate the and she smiled. "Is like it. He would be so curious he would do it."

"And who knows maybe the two of you would become good friends."

"Yh..."she said slowly. I smiled knowing this plan would work. I looked down at my phone and saw that I got a text from Jack. It said:

'Meet me by the grass area at 7pm. I kind of need to give you something.'

I frowned at the message.

Looks like I might be having a fake date with my fake boyfriend!

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