Chapter 43 (I love you)

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I was getting pretty tired of eating only cornflakes. It felt like I had been doing it for years but it had only been slightly over 2 weeks. I went into the kitchen to prepare my bowl of cornflakes when Kate walked in. She didn't acknowledge me and I understood why. I had snapped at her and she didn't like it.

Skylar had been texting me to try and talk to her but my ego and pride was too big to try apologising to her and I felt guilty. Kate left the kitchen after a few minutes. When I was done I went into my room only to hear my phone ringing loudly. I quickly reached and picked it up knowing exactly who it is.


"I love you so much ok," my heart started beating as I heard him gasping in the background.

"Wait are you OK Jack?"

"Aren't you outside?"

"I am in my accommodation," I sat on my bed and spoke to him.

"Try and leave your block-" Just then the fire alarm went off ringing so loudly I couldn't hear the rest of Jack's words. I left my room and ran down the stairs as I heard screaming.

"Oh my God the other building is on fire!"

I rushed outside almost falling down the stairs. Once outside I was accompanied with a lot of police and fire fighters running around the campus. I saw the paparazzi flashing  away at anything that caught their eyes. 

I ran towards were the crowd was running to and that when I saw it.

That's when I smelt it.

A block which looked similar to my was burning.

This was Jack's block. It made sense why he was gasping.

He needed to get out.

I looked down at my phone and saw that he had ended the call. I rang him again and he picked up on the fourth go.

"Jack where are you?"

"In my room. I can't get out."

"OK hold on I am telling the fire fighter you in the building."


I ran to the nearest fire fighter and told him about Jack being stuck in the building.

"I know sweetie. We are trying our best." I started to shake as anger filled me.

Were these people actually going to let Jack die in there?

I looked down at my hand and saw that I was wearing the ring he gave me. I don't want to ever tell anyone that a guy gave this to me when he was 'alive' I want Jack to be there when I tell the story.

So I did something which was very crazy and many would consider stupid.

I ran towards Jack's building.

I heard a lot of people screaming and shouting as I did this. I even felt a few people grab my arm but I shook them of. I quickly ran into the building before shutting the door behind me. I ran up the stairs feeling the heat and smelling the smoke.

I put my phone to my ear, "Jack where are you? I am here!"

"No! Michelle you need to leave. Your going to get seriously hurt!"

"I don't care. What floor are you in?"

"Second," I ran up there and got to the corridor before seeing it engulfed in flames. I attempted to cover my nose as the smoke choked me. Then an idea came up in my head. An idea which had played on my mind before.

"Everyone in the building can you hear me!" I shouted and I heard a few responses which sounded very faint as the sound of things burning was all I could hear.

"I need you guys to search your room for buckets OK! And I want you all to fill it and start pouring the water out onto the corridor. Open your door gently and pour it out. Do it quickly before the flames get worse!This might actually work!" I waited and watched as a door opened and water was splashed onto the corridor before the door was quickly closed again. Another door opened as someone else did the same thing and soon the people in the building were taking turns wetting the place.

The flames were going down but not completely.

I placed my phone to my ear to, "Jack what number is your door?"

"One," the corridor was still burning but there was a possibility that if I walked carefully against the wall I would be fine.

I thought about Jack and all that we had done together. I even thought about the day we went to the farm as I walked against the wall. The flames were rising as if they could sense me and wanted a taste. I held my breathe as I moved and kept my phone by my ear. I could hear Jack gasping for air on the line.

"Please...don't...don't come" My lungs were burning me but I continued before reaching to his door. I banged on it loudly and Jack opened it and pulled me in causing me to fall on him. He held me in his arms as we fell to the ground.

He was coughing badly and I turned to see him and saw him covered in black sute. I gently cupped his face as he coughed. I grabbed the bed sheet of his bed before covering his mouth with it. I couldn't help but start coughing too and the smoke got too much. Then I saw it.

The flames were licking under his door. I looked down at Jack to see that he was unconscious in my arms. I leaned before placing my head on his chest and felt that he was breathing. I pulled him with me towards the window before waving my hand around to get attention. I left my hand out of the window as my other free hand held onto Jack's.

"We are going to get out of here. You are going to get out of here," I said to am unconscious Jack before I shouted through the window and waved my hands around until I heard a helicopter.

I carried on shouting and waving my arms until I couldn't due to having a coughing fit. I climbed through the window and stood on the balcony as I called for help.

The helicopter was coming nearer.

I quickly went back in and dragged Jack out onto the balcony.

This guy owes me a lot. I am supposed to be his fake girlfriend not his fire fighter.

The helicopter came close enough and soon the doors opened and a paramedic stood there. "Take him!" I shouted as I tried to get Jack onto the helicopter. It came closer and the man grabbed Jack's arms while another paramedic grabbed his other arm and pulled him onto the helicopter. After Jack was pulled onto it. I quickly got on before the doors were shut and we were taking away. I looked back at the building before I remembered the others in the building.

"Oh my gosh I think there was other people in the building," I placed my hand on my head thinking of people burning in there. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see the paramedic giving me a comforting smile. "We got everyone out. No one is dead just a few injuried besides the only thing you should be worrying about is the fame you would be getting after this!" I looked at him in confusion.

"What are you talking about?"

"You saved Jack Lee. I guess Kim Kardashian isn't getting her spot on the front page of the newspaper this week!"

I let out a nervous laugh before looking over at Jack to see him on the stretcher unconscious with a oxygen mask on. I got up and went to sit by him. I took his hand in my and kissed it gently.

"I will never take any fame for saving you Jack but just...just get better and...and stay," I whispered as the tears rolled down my face.

"Stay and I will do something you really want. Anything. Just stay with me."



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