Chapter 44

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I sat on the chair next to Jack as he lay on the bed unconscious. I hadn't left his side since I got here just in case he woke up. His parents had been contacted about the incident and they were on their way. I had told myself that I would leave before they would arrive but I got lost in my thoughts as I held his hand. I didn't even notice it when his family walked in.

"Michelle?" I turned around to see Chris, Lucy who was clutching into her father and Jack's mother.

"How are you?" I wiped my eyes quickly before responding.

"I am OK. I am very sorry about Jack. I honestly don't know what happened," Jack's mum rolled her eyes before pushing her hair away from her face.

"I wasn't there and I know exactly what happened." Chris grabbed onto his wife's arm as she shook him of and walked towards me.

"You got stuck in the flames and instead of Jack leaving you he went to rescue you. Despite cheating on him he went to rescue you!" I frowned at her and the feeling of hurt filled me.

"Is that what you believe in your heart? That I cheated on Jack. You were there when this happened Mrs Lee. You saw everything,"

"Everything you did Michelle. I saw how you hurt Jack," I looked her dead in the eye as tears filled my eyes. If it was a normal day I would be defending myself but today really wasn't my day. I looked up at Chris and saw him give me a sympathetic look. I walked towards the exit before Jack's mum stopped me.

"I hope I don't ever see you again. You sick sick girl!"

"Stop! Enough!" Chris shouted making me jump a bit. I smiled at his wife.

"Don't worry. I can promise you that you will never see me again in your life. I am done. I am done with everything."

"I am glad you are done because I am tired of the lies and fake stories you have brought to the family!"

"What fake stories?" Chris asked and Jack's mum smiled before continuing.

"They are faking their relationship and not even for any good purpose," I froze as I looked at Chris. He turned to face me as a look of annoyance covered his facial expression.

"Is this true Michelle?"

"Sir I can explain what-"

"-no need to. I think I know why Jack is doing this," Chris turned to face his wife.

"Have you learnt your lesson? He did this so you can be more open minded."

"I will be opened minded just not when it gets to introducing weirdos to the family," with that I walked away.

Jack dad knew we were faking it all but he didn't care. I left the hospital and was met with a big group of people. I pushed through the crowd of paparazzi as I tried to get to a bus station near by. The crowd was too big so I started to run in full speed. The paparazzi shouted out to me but I didn't stop. I managed to get away from them and hide behind a wall. I peeked and saw them all looking for me.

They all looked like angry birds. Just like Jack's mother.

I couldn't help but laugh as I stayed behind the wall. I leaned against it and started laughing so hard that I slid down the wall. Just then Skylar and Kate were walking by and stopped when they saw me.

"Michelle? What the hell!" Kate said as she examined me. "Why are you laughing so hard by yourself?" The fact that she asked in a serious tone was making me want to laugh more which I did. I was sitting on my ground with my legs crossed as Skylar and Kate examined me.

"She is in shock. Michelle when you were airlifted were you checked by the paramedics to see if you are good to go," I was checked on the helicopter and a sample of my blood taken to be tested. I managed to nod without laughing.

Once I stopped laughing completely Kate and Skylar helped pull me up and they put their arms around me.

That's when I cried.

My emotions were all over the place today. "Aww don't worry Michelle,"  Kate said as she rubbed my back as Skylar gave me a look of concern.

"Come on Michelle we are allowed back into our accommodation. I think you need some rest," I nodded and allowed myself to be pulled away by the both Kate and Skylar.


When I got back into my accommodation I didn't check my phone knowing that I am going to see a angry Kim Kardashian on the news complaining about not being at the front page of articles anymore. I lay in bed trying to let sleep consume but I couldn't help but stay up and think. The events of the day kept replaying in my head making me wonder how things would be if I didn't go into the building.

Was there even any point in me doing this or was I really a 'hero' like the paramedic claimed. I wasn't too sure about it but one thing I was sure of was over thinking can drain you and allow sleep to consume you because that is what happened next.

I fell asleep. 

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