Chapter 27- The plan

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"Yes dad I love you too."

"Have you smoked anything"


"Drank anything?"


"Had sex?"


"Not even with the guy you have been in the news with?"

"No dad. I am innocent."

"Until proven guilty."


"I am sorry sweetheart you sound a bit suspicious."

"Well I am not." Dad laughed at my weak defence and updated me with how mum and Jasmine are doing before hanging up and leaving me alone to think.

James James James. You have messed with the wrong person.

Has anyone ever told this man about the quiet girls?

There is a saying that the quiet girls are the dangerous ones because no one knows what they are thinking about and what is going on in their head.

No one knows about the murderous plan I have stored in my mind. OK my plan isn't murderous but it's close enough.

OK maybe not even close.

So the plan I have is called three strikes and out. James has set three exams coming up in December and an essay he wants by the 17th so I am going to make sure I am revising well for it and then I am going to ace the test. If he fails my exam I am going to find someone who has passed it and compare our answers.

If I have the same answers as someone who has passed then James better get packing because he isn't going to have a job soon.

Has this guy ever been to a public school?

If not then he wouldn't have heard about students hitting back at teachers or students trying to get them in sticky situations. And that is exactly what I plan on doing.

James is clearly a pervert. He doesn't like me for me. He doesn't want me to be with him and go on special dates. He just wants one thing.


And I think it's wrong on every level. James is pretty smart in a evil way because he obviously knows he can't hold me down and force me into anything but he can put me in a situation were I feel like I have to do certain things.

But I can't be so sure. This might be me making a big deal out of nothing. Maybe I did fail but if I did then why would James or Lucy change my grade from bad to good.

Why was he trying to hide the fact that I failed?

"Its because you never failed Michelle and he knew someone would see it and he could get in trouble for making you faint," My inner self told me and I agreed. I walked to my white board and wrote in a green marker pen 'steps which must be followed.'

Step 1-

Revise hard for the exams. I have to make sure that I am acing my exams and getting the grades I deserve.

Step 2-

Making James come with me. Now this isn't what it seems like and this plan is only applied when James marks my exam unfairly in December. I would have to make James believe I like him and make him go to a hotel with me. I could even put a secret camera in the room to record everything he says then when things get too intimate I back out last minute.

This plan might fail but it's worth the shot.

Step 3-
See it. Report it. Just like the Tfl advert. Once I have got all my evidence I just have to show it to someone in authority and then I am free. But until then. I am stuck. And I have to face the class of people I passed out in front of.

How embarrassing. I took a picture of the whiteboard and printed it out before slipping it in my folder. I wore my jacket before putting my backpack on and heading of to my lecture.

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