Chapter 38

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I stood in the car park in black jeans and a black hoodie waiting for Jack to come. I kept my hoodie up but was still recognisable because I saw flashes. Soon I was surrounded by the paparazzi but I decided to pretend that they weren't there. They called out to me but ignored them and looked down at my trainers. Some of the paparazzi took advantage and stood right in front of me and took a picture almost blinding me in the process.

I kept looking down hoping that Jack would come soon but he seemed to delay. "Black beauty!" Someone shouted making me look up in their direction. I saw a short man with curly brown hair with a big smile. Probably very happy at the thought of getting me to look up. Suddenly the other camera men pushed the short man out of the way causing him to fall over. Other people stood in front of him blocking his way. I rushed through the crowd which was very hard as people weren't moving out of the way they just stood and took pictures of me. I managed to squeeze myself in the middle and saw the short camera man on the floor. His head was down and he kneeling by his camera. It was broken. I knelt beside him and picked up the camera gently. "I fell on it Michelle," the man said in a Liverpool accent as he looks at me holding it. The camera wasn't completely destroyed but some parts had broken of.

"I think it can be fixed," the man looks down while nodding.

"You are right. I don't know why I am acting like it is the end of the world."

"No no I totally understand why you would be upset and it's OK to be upset," the camera guy looked at me in awe as the other camera men photographed us. Just then I saw Jack running to the car park and couldn't help but feel like I was having a deja vu. I have been at the car park and Jack has run over to me before. I got up and turned to face the short paparazzi.

"I hope you are able to fix your camera," the man gave me a smile before I rushed over to Jack.

"Let's get out of here!" Jack escorted me to his car before opening the door for me. I quickly got in the pulled the door shut while he walked around to his side. Once in the car Jack quickly started the engine before taking of.

"I am going to stay by your side today. I don't trust my own mum when she says she wants to prepare you," I laugh as I try to make it not seem too concerning that his mother wanted to 'prepare' me.

"Don't worry Jack," I didn't have anything else to say apart from 'don't worry" because I couldn't lie to Jack that his mum nice and will look after me.

She was awful.

"I will try not to worry a lot seeing as you seem so calm," I smile at his sweet response. Awwww Jack thinks I am calm. If only he knew what my insides were doing. I was nervous because I knew that I was going to be getting a lot of shade from his mother.

Just go to Jacks house if you want some shade. Real shade.

When we got there we were lucky to not have been met with the paparazzi. Jack parked outside his house and turned off the engine before sitting still. He looked kind of scared.

What does he know that I don't?

"Jack? Are we going to go inside?"

"Let's wait for a few minutes," I nodded as he took out his phone and started to take pictures of the road ahead. He looked at me and smiled.

"Sorry I just need a good picture for uni and I think I have got one,"  I nodded at his response.

"So what exactly is the picture for?"

"Uhhh..." Just then there was a bang on the side of Jack's door and when we looked it was a tall slim blonde girl. Jack turned to face me with a frustrated look on his face. "This is why I was having a bad feeling because she was coming," Jack pointed at the girl as she smiled and through the window. When she saw me she frowned as Jack opened the door.
"Your mother said I should keep you company while Michelle goes to your mum," Jack got out of the car and I did the same.

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