Chapter 51 (preparation for the ball part 2)

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I lay on my bed reading an article about a girl who rushed into a burning building to save the love of her life.

A girl who stabbed her boyfriend's dad with an epipen in order to save him.

Wow this girl has some skills and bravery!

I still couldn't believe it was me they were talking about me. The media discuss me like I am a Goddess. On youtube I see a thumbnail of me on the ground and James hovering over me so I click to watch the video.

I instantly remembered this from the time Jack cheated on me.

The video had sad music in the background as I fell over in slow motion. I started to laugh quietly as James squatted near me and a fart sound erupted. Whoever made this edit is a legend. I put my laptop away before texting mum and dad about picking me up on the 9th.

I was so excited to go home!!!

I changed into grey jeans and a white jumper before throwing on my winter coat. I decided that I was going to go window shopping. Alone.

Once outside I saw the paparazzi waiting for me. They started to flash their cameras in my direction as some quickly ran to walk in front of me.

"Michelle! Michelle! Michelle!" They chanted as they recorded me breaking out into laughter. I pulled my coat close together to keep myself warm and crossed my arms.

"So Michelle how have you been?" 

A older looking man asks as he walks slowly in front of me

"Busy. What about you?" The man looks at me with a shock expression before answering my question.

"The same as you," I smiled at his nervousness.

Why would this man be effected by me?

After a few minutes of walking and having a group of random people follow me the reality started to hit me very hard. I wanted to do some window shopping but how am I going to with all these people following me?

I quickly turned into the nearest clothing store before rushing to the counter. I saw the security guard trying to restrain the crazy crowd from coming to get me. I approached one of the female sales assistant.

"What is going on?" The woman asked me while trying to peer at the door.

"Well I just wanted to do some window shopping..." the woman squinted as she looked at me before realisation covered her face.

She let out a squeal before pulling a small camera out of her pocket.

"Your Michelle Williams! I can't believe you are here. Can I get a picture of you?" I could hear banging on the door and the security guard shouting along with the store manager.

"I will take a picture but first disguise me!"

"No. There wouldn't be any point in taking a picture of you because you would look different." I looked back to the doors bursting and the security guard almost looking as if he wants to give up pushing it.

"Fine!" I said as I stood closer to her.

"Say cheese!" I smiled as she took the picture before she grabbed some clothes of the rank and a big hat. She quickly dragged me through the store and to the back. She pushed me onto a bench and gestured for me to stay silent before leaving me in a room with my clothes.

I took my clothes of before picking up a colourful shirt from the ground and putting it on. I then quickly put on the pale blue mama jeans and big hat on before exiting from the back of the store. I took a peak back and saw that the camera men had pushed their way into the store. I smiled as I walked back to my place. 

No window shopping today.



he taxi ride to Mrs Lee's place was very smooth and fast. I gave the driver his payment before taking my bag and thanking the driver. Once out of the car I walked up the steps to the door alone for the first time.

I gently knocked on her door and waited for a response. The door opened and there stood Mrs Lee in black trousers and a very tight pink top. She looked me up and down before moving aside for me to walk in.

"Hello Mrs Lee how are you?"

She didn't reply but gestured for me to follow her up the stairs. This time I was kind of glad that she didn't grab my wrist because that actually hurt and the bruise is evident. She took me to a pink bedroom and sat me down on the bed.

"This is Lucy's room so look after it or I will allow her to kill,"

"Lucy isn't like you," I whisper


"Do you have an actual reason to hate me or do you enjoy doing it?"

"I don't have to tell you anything!" I stood up and that is when a book in the room caught my eye. It had the title 'black people' on it. I pulled it out of it's corner and watched as Mrs Lee's eyes open wide.

"Why does Lucy have this book?"

"She is...I don't know." I shoved the book onto her chest.

"You gave it to her. Are you racist?"

"No. I just don't like you."

"If I search up this book what would I see," Mrs Lee looked me in the eye.

"You would see the truth," I started to laugh as I tried to keep eye contact.

"Can you imagine when the media sees this. Mrs Lee gets her son's girlfriend rented clothes and is a racist. Your going to look so good on daily mail."

"You would too when I tell the media about your fake relationship." Mrs Lee said while smiling.

I took a step closer.

"Aww is Mrs Lee trying to scare me? Aren't you aware that your son would look worse than me because of the company. I can already see the head lines: son of company owners has lied to the world."

Mrs Lee starts to shake with anger.

"Jack would forever hate you for ruining it all." 

After that being said Mrs Lee stormed out of the room while I sat on Lucy's bed laughing. I looked down to see that she had dropped the 'black people' book.

I pick it up before examining it.

If she wants to hate me that's fine but don't teach your kid to hate too.

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