Chapter 24

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Believe it or not but I had finished my essay on crime. It was 10 and a half pages and I can say from the bottom of my heart I had put a lot of effort into it.

I am joking!

I rushed it.

But hear me out! Hear me out! I personally think the essay was really good and well written for a rushed essay. I printed it out and kept it in my folder. Before the Christmas holiday I knew for fact that we would be having a test based on what we have been taught so I went and stayed in the library and started revising.

Never revise late kids.

I had started my revision when I first got my text book which was in September so I wasn't too scared about having an exam in December. I went over my notes over and over again until I could say it without looking. Just as I about to highlight the key terms I heard a siren. It was the fire alarm. I was in a dress hooded so I put on my sliders and rushed out.

When I first moved in I had heard that if you don't leave your room when the alarm goes off then you can be fined up to £200. Once outside I instantly regretted not wearing leggings. My dress hoodie came down to my knees leaving my legs and feet to freeze making me shiver.

"Are you OK?" A girl in a jumper and jeans asked me. I nodded and she pointed at a guy in a black T-shirt and shorts.

"You don't want to end up like him." The guy started gasping as his legs and arms went purple then he fell to the ground. "Ahhhh! I can't feel my legs but I don't want a fine!"


People just walked over him as if it's normal. I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous he looked. I prayed and hoped that I wouldn't look fall like him. I felt an arm around me and looked to see if was Jack. "Hey," I said and he greeted me back.

"So where did you go on Halloween night?"

"Liverpool." Jacks eyes widened at what I said.

"Why the hell would you go there?"

"It's a long story. But don't worry I will explain later."

When the alarm went silent everyone started to walk back into the building. I went to join the crowd but Jack held tightly onto my arm.

"Can we go to the study zone? It's quiet and I just need to tell you something."

"Tell me here." I said standing firmly on my feet.

"I don't want anyone hearing. This has to be secretive just like the ball and I have rules which need to be explained" I allowed him to drag me to study as other people made their way back to their accommodation. Once in study I took a seat by the door while Jack sat on the table.

"My family are having a small gathering before December 17th."

"Let me guess you want me to go."

"Yes but just like on the 17th December you can dress casually and in anything you want."

"Sounds good so what day is it on?"

"Thursday afternoon."

"Oh okay." I remembered about James but decided not to tell Jack. Not yet anyways. Last thing I need is Jack freaking out.

"We have been doing great. Thank you for helping me Michelle. I will owe you for sure. Not sure what with but I will owe you."

"Thats OK."

So now I have to go see his family again. And I have to go face his mother. I smiled a little as I remembered the look on her face when me and her husband fell. She looked like an angry bird. I started laughing silently at the sweet memory.

If only I had it recorded.

"What are you laughing at Michelle?" I shook my head and continued laughing quietly. He looked at me sideways.

"Oh come on tell me." I stayed quiet not wanting him to know that I think his mother looks like an angry bird or I thought of her expression as funny.

"A £1 for your thought," he said holding a pound. I took it from him.

"I hope you don't try and push me of a roof after this."

Jack frowned at what I said "why would I do that?"

"Have you ever see the video crush on YouTube?

"No." I shook my head at him.

"Then you wouldn't understand. Just don't try pushing me of any roof."

"Umm OK. So what made you laugh?"

"Your mum."

His eyes widened "what is that supposed to mean?"

"The look...she gave me...when I fell the ball." Jack started to laugh loudly as he remembered the night and his laugh was making me die. Like I almost fell to the ground!

Please stop laughing Jack it's making me feel so...weak.

When we had calmed down a bit Jack explained to me the rules about the party. "We kiss, hug, hold hands, keep our arms around each other-"

"We can slap each others ass once in a while." He looked at me with amusement as I laughed. "I am kidding Jack we can do other things." He nodded as he looked down at his list.

"After next week and December we don't have to be around each other as much and in January or February I will just lie that we broke up." I frowned at what he said.

"What would have been the point in us dating in this time? What does it prevent?" He hesitated before speaking.

"I didn't want to take over my dad's company just yet so I told my parents I want to go university as I didn't have the chance to go when I was 18 because my parents were preparing me and making me go training. The fact that I left last minute made my parents mad especially my mum. She didn't want me to go university she just wanted me to start on the company like my dad. So I told them that I want to go uni and quickly left. But my mum started to make arrangements that from time to time I could go help the company but I knew she would try and stop me from going university."

"So I lied to the both of them that I have a girlfriend and I hadn't really had one in a while so they were shocked.  I told them that I would be occupied with uni work and with my girlfriend. My mum didn't really believe it so I told her I kept our relationship a secret. She said she hasn't seen you in the news with me so she paid for school paparazzi as I told her that my girlfriend was in my university. The night you got drugged I was walking around in hope to find a girl who I can talk to and maybe get in on this plan. But then I saw you and recognised you from Select and I thought you would be perfect. And you are."

I couldn't believe his story. He went through all of that so he wouldn't have to work in his dad's company. This must be very hard working there. Either that or something else is wrong and he isn't telling me. I smiled at him. "Don't worry Jack I understand you and trust me we are going to put on the best and most realistic performance ever next week." He chucked as he placed an arm around me.

"You have already done it Michelle. Just do what you did last time again apart from the falling over part."

"Yh I will try not to try not to fall over."

Jack walked me to my blocked and a few paparazzi walked in front of us as we held hands and walked.

"Hey Michelle do you have anything to say to your fans for getting you to a million followers?" I stopped once I got to my block.

"I have a million followers?" The flashing increased as more camera people gathered around me.

"Yh you do."

"Well thank you for following me and keep going atmosphere." I winked at the camera then turned to give Jack a 'I am going to my room look,' which he understood.

He turned to leave and the paparazzi followed right behind him.

A million followers? I could barely get five who weren't related to me last week!

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