Chapter 18 (The ball part 2)

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After we ate our pizza Lucy suggested that we walk around the ball. She stood up and pulled down her puffy pink dress so that nothing was showing. I offered my hand to Jack.

"It's alright Michelle. You have a look around with Lucy and then come back. I am going to stay and guard our stuff." I leaned over quickly and gave him a small kiss on the cheek before taking Lucy's hand in my and letting her lead me away.

"So where are we of to Lucy?"

"The kids section. You need to see it."

She took me to a huge double door which led to a huge indoor playground which had the outside theme.

This was amazing!

Lucy held tightly onto my hand as she led me through.

"This is for children who get bored at balls and start crying." Lucy explained.

"It's a good idea isn't it."

"Yes." She showed me the different types of climbing frames and how they work. I made sure to watch her and make sure that she is keeping herself neat and clean. Just then she turned and ran of to a man a woman.

"Mummy and Daddy!"

Oh fish kebab! Her parents are here. I was about to go of when Lucy shouted my name.

"Michelle! Come here!" I walked towards her and her parents looking timid. "Mum and dad this is Michelle. The mystery girl!"

Her dad smiled at me as he took my hand I his. He gave it a small kiss while his mum glared at the action.

"It's very nice to meet you Michelle."

"It's nice meeting you Mr Lee and Mrs Lee."
"Please you can call me Chris and my wife Diamond. You are now part of the family," His wife scrunched up her face in disgust.

"Actually honey I think it's best if Michelle calls me Mrs Lee." With that said she walked away. Her husband stared at the back of her in shock. Chris turns to me in shock.

"Please ignore my wife she is in a really bad mood today." I smiled as I pretended not to be effected.

"That's OK we all have our bad days." I smiled as he went after her. Lucy turned and looked up at me with a frown.

"Why would mum do that?" I shrugged my shoulders feeling uncomfortable. Lucy tugged on my hand.

"Come let's go." She took me back to the ball room but sat me on a empty table with me.

"Let's Stay near the door." I nodded and quickly texted Jack that I am with Lucy near the door. A lot of people were dancing in the middle to the instrumental music playing. I looked and saw Jack dancing with a red haired girl who had loverly pale skin. I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. I looked at Lucy and saw her frowning at their direction.

"What is he doing with her?"

"It's OK he is just dancing with her."

"Why not with you?" She pouted and I gave her back a rub.

"Lucy I don't even like dancing much." This was kind of true Jack made me start dancing. Slow dancing. If it wasn't for him I would have never had to try it. Lucy smirked as the music was cut of and the song hero by Enrique Iglesias started. 

I loved this song and I couldn't help but smile. Everyone started to leave the dance floor and there stood Jack in his full glory. He was looking at me and gestured for me to come over. I walked over to him before getting in position and allowing him to direct me.

"I thought I was supposed to dance with your dad," I whispered.

"You are going to but we have to dance a bit." I nodded as he spun me around to the song. I looked over and saw his father making his way to us. I looked at Jack as fear covered my face and he did something which surprised me. He leaned over and kissed me gently on my lips earning a few gasps from people and some flashes from photographer's camera.

"You are going to do just fine. And if you don't what is the worst that could happen?" I thought about it for a bit.

"Nothing much. Just being the front cover of the sun paper." Jack pulled me closer to me.

"Don't worry I am sure Kim karshian would do something crazy and the UK would get hold of it. If not I will flash just so you don't have to be front cover."

"Aww that's so sweet. You are going to strip for me." Jack rolled his eyes while smiling a bit.

"I will do anything as long as your comfortable." He looked to his dad and gave him a gesture.

"OK now it's time." Jack gave me a quick smile before spinning me gently to his father's arms. I put one hand on his back and held his other hand with my free hand while he guarded me. He felt much stronger if that made any sense and I couldn't help but smile. He leaned in to talk to me.

"You seem very light on your feet."

"Well thank you Mr Lee."

"Please call me Chris." I nodded but deep down I knew I was still going to call him Chris.
"I really like this song a lot. Me and my wife danced to it a few years ago."

"Aww that's sweet." I guess Jack was right this dance was going very well.

"I really want to dip you," Chris said as the song was reaching the end.

"Oh no its alright Sir-Chris."

"No please allow. I will be gentle."

"I am not sure if it is the best idea."

"Please allow me Michelle."

"OK." If it goes wrong he asked for it. He then attempted to dip me and I got scared and ended up bringing him down to the ground with me.

Told you I was heavy!

He fell on my heavily as the song ended.

🎵I can be your hero🎵

Everyone gathered around us and Chris still lay on me. His head on my stomach. We could have passed as a drunk couple. Drunk.

"Are you OK?" The red haired who was dancing with Jack asked. I couldn't get my words or as the feeling of embarrassment filled me. It was then that I saw Mrs Lee and she looked pissed. Like an angry bird.

I started to laugh which caused her eyes to widen in shock. Soon everyone started laughing as photographers squeezed into the circle and photographed us.

It was then that I knew my life isn't going to be the same.

It was going to be lit. More lit than it has ever been.

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