One ❤️

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Zayn sighed as he trudged his way into the breakfast line. He ordered a blueberry muffin and a coffee before heading to the school library. Once he got there he set his breakfast aside and pulled out his history notes. He had a test first period so he decided studying wasn't a bad idea. He had been so concerned about his test and hunger that he didn't even realize that one of his best mates Harry was now seated beside him.

"pstt." Harry whispered, acknowledging the fact that the librarian was a bitch who didn't take noise. Zayn looked up for what felt like the first time in hours even though it had only been twenty minutes. "i need the notes" The green eyed charm giggled. Him and Zayn had history together first period, which is when their test took place.

The black haired boy rolled his eyes playfully at his irresponsible lad. Even though Harry never did his homework, he was actually a smart boy. Always answered the teachers questions correctly and got A's on his report card. Just lazy to assume.

He passed his notes and took out his book, 'Twilight' in the meantime. He sipped his coffee while he saw his friend scrambling around to copy his notes before the first bell rang. He chuckled quietly to himself and continued to read the 500 page book. He was only on page 136, but Zayn read a lot as a motion to keep to himself, make the boy feel good.

They continued that for about twenty more minutes before Harry sighed contently. The dimpled boy stretched his arms over his head in a stretching order before passing his mates notes back. They both packed their bags due to the fact the bell would ring in about 2 minutes.

Harry slung his gray backpack over his shoulder, while Zayn was more careful putting his navy blue one comfortably on his back. On their way out the door, they caught the eye of they're best friend, mainly because his bright blonde hair kind of stood out.

"Stop sucking his face off" Harry whined. "We literally have class in 73 seconds".

Zayn furrowed his eyebrows at the comment. Was his best friend really counting the seconds until the bell ? Harry shrugged, a knowing look on his face.

"ugh" They both heard a small voice say. They turned back to Niall to see him blushing like crazy. Josh fixed the blonde boys hair and landed one last peck on his lips before waving his boyfriend off.

"Decided to ditch us for your boyfriend again eh ?" Zayn playfully nudged his friend. Niall rolled his eyes.

"please, you guys were studying for some history test I don't even have today, I would've been left out anyways" The blonde boy huffed.

Zayn mentally rolled his eyes at that comment because he knew for a fact it wasn't true. He knew for a fact Niall and Harry would've definitely talked and left him out. Even if Niall didn't have the same test, they would've made something happen. That's just how it was with them now. Once Niall went to his history class, not the same one as his friends, the other two boys were left to go to their shared locker. They both grabbed a couple pens and pencils, along with their history books, then shut their backpacks in there before shaking hands with the teacher and walking in the classroom.

Their history teacher was definitely their favorite. Mrs. Brown, she was 55 years old and would definitely define as a dream teacher. She had a huge sense of humor, always spending a lot of class time just joking around. If they had time towards the end of class, she would let them on their phones and tell them to pretend they were reading if other teachers were to walk in. She also gave them tips on how to use their phone at school without getting caught. It was kind of ironic how history was so boring but the teacher was so fun.

"So I know you guys hate history, and trust me, your not alone" Mrs. Brown started off with a sigh.

"Then why'd you sign up to be a history teacher ?" a kid named Dylan, who sits next to Harry asked. Mrs. Brown narrowed her eyelids at the boy before responding.

"I signed up for this job when i was twenty-two. Hell knows why."

The class laughed at that response but was quickly turned to a groan when the test was being passed out.

"Yeah yeah i'll pass around the jolly ranchers. I mean only because it helps you to get a better knowledge though obviously" The teacher winked. Can you see why she was the boys favorite yet ?


The clock ticked by in all his classes until lunch rolled around. Zayn trudged his way out of his 4th period assistance classroom, where he pretty much just helped random teachers the whole period, and made his was to the large cafe line. He held a place for Harry and Niall as well.

He felt a nudge on his shoulder as he moved up the line. Harry had been linked to Niall's side as the two got in line with the brown eyed boy. The two boys with colored eyes were discussing their shared biology class while Zayn stood a couple feet in front of them quietly. Once Zayn and Harry got their salads, Niall not getting anything, (which greatly worried his friends who didn't normally see him eat).

The boys ate their lunch as the bell rang. Zayn sighed, knowing he had gym next. He hated gym after lunch because his stomach hurt from his food. He sucked it up and entered the boys locker room, putting on his grey shirt with his name written, 'Z. Malik' and his lighter grey sweatpants. He made sure to put his black zip up sweater on before heading outside.

The warm air hit him and he head to attendance. The cute guy that sat next to him shot him a smile before talking to his short friend.

"Football today. Boys on one side of the field, girls on the other. I already made the teams so just meet me out there." Coach Black stated in his 'coach voice'.

Zayn sighed as he stood up and jogged to the footie area. He wasn't the fastest runner, but he made it there before some other people.

"Malik !" He heard his coach say. He looked up, slightly panting with his hands on his head. "Your on Payne's team ! Go !" He shouted.

"Hi. I'm Liam." Was all the beautiful boy said before they practiced their plays.

"He uh Zayn is it ? Yeah ? Can you block Jake and back up Louis ?" Liam walked up to the black haired boy and asked. Zayn was hesitant, but nodded nonetheless.

The boys played football a little longer then the ten minute bell rang ordering the students to dress back regularly. The day hadn't gone bad so far, that is until Zayn had got a call from an angry mother.


hey what's up it's been a while ;)

jk it's only been a little over a week. anyways, this is just a boring first chapter kinda explaining everything that i'll be using for the fun stuff later such as the zarry class or nosh or the football team. idk if this is how long i'm gunna start making the chapters but if not, longer :)

i'll try to update as much as possible, it's just been six week grading period at school so i had extra homework ha. sorry.

sorry for any errors in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, or spelling 💗

message me ! any votes or comments are greatly appreciated ❤️

all the love, m xx

word count : 1300 exactly.

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