Epilogue ❤️

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"What's this one love ?" Liam asked, his arms outstretched above his head as a yawn left his tired body. He was dressed in a pair of sweats that dragged behind him on the wooden floors of him and Zayn's shared apartment.

"Dunno. Started sketching out feelings and it turned into this abstract piece." His tired, calm, British accent answered his fiancé as he sat cross legged on the living room floor with a large canvas in front of him, pencil lines going from every direction. It was seven in the morning, average time the boys would be up and running for the day, but it always started with quiet, convenient mornings. Zayn watched as Liam dragged his feet to the connected kitchen, pouring himself a cup of coffee. His bed head was adorable and Zayn absolutely loved when his lover looked tired.

Zayn cradled his preferred morning beverage of tea while watching his fiancé rummage around the kitchen to grab the ingredients for his coffee. A couple minutes later, the older man sat beside the other and leaned in for a soft, loving kiss.

Liam never actually had to be at work until nine, but completely enjoyed waking up early to spend time with the twenty six year old. Zayn actually worked from home, finally getting deserved credit for his amazing artwork, and making a fair amount of money off the detailed paintings as well.

Liam worked in an office job, bringing in a good amount of money as well, easily explaining their nice apartment on the wealthy side of town.

The boys proceeded at their routine, drinking their caffeine, chatting a bit while Zayn let out his emotions in his artwork at the same time. A little over forty minutes later, Liam started the shower, washing up before putting on a nice suit, walking back out of the room thirty minutes later to see Zayn has moved to the counter. He finished folding his tie before reaching into the cabinets, moving some stuff around before pulling out two packaged pop tarts.

"Breakfast of champs." He smiled, tossing one of the strawberry pastries to Zayn.

Once Liam had officially left for work at 8:40, Zayn decided to take a break from his job, starting a shower of his own. He threw on a navy blue button up and some dark blue jeans, running gel through his hair with the complete intent of running to starbucks to finish his piece.

The boy grabbed his phone, his wallet and such, along with a smaller drawing he'd been working on. He had to get it done by tonight because someone had ordered it and he was meant to deliver it by 8 pm. He didn't have a lot left to work on, it was just a small, neutral colored sketch that would probably hang above a dresser. He always kept an extra sketch pad, color pencil box, some pencils and some sharpies in his car so he didn't have to tote them around everywhere.

'Hope you're ready for date night love, miss you so much already xx' His phone vibrated with a text from his fiancé. He smiled slightly, deciding to answer it when he was done driving. His talking on the phone while driving days left when he almost got in a car crash in college from it.

He listened to a playlist he and Liam shared on spotify, tapping the steering wheel as he drove.

Once arrived to the local shop, the young boy grabbed his materials and quickly found a table in the back, setting his stuff down on the small light washed wooden table. He would buy a cocoa later, just deciding to work now.

"Zayn ?" a voice asked. Zayn didn't even have to look up to know that was Louis Tomlinson.

Truth be told, the boys sort of lost contact once Harry, Niall, and Zayn started college. While the older boys got lucky enough to get the same college as their best friends, the younger boys completely split across the country.

It caused problems with Harry and Louis' relationship since they were miles apart and Louis' trust issues wouldnt allow him to accept a long distance relationship.

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