Six ❤️

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"Hi Zayn" Liam smiled, engulfing the younger lad in a breathtaking hug. Literally.

"Hi Liam" The smaller boy smiled into his friends chest. It's been a week or so since the bathroom incident, and a bit has happened since then. Liam would check Zayn's arms and legs almost everyday, in hopes he'd stop.

But he hadn't.

Not yet.

But he was trying.

Really hard.

Liam would give him a new reason every day as to why he should stop. So when Zayn bruises himself that night, he'd hit himself one time less.

Of course, Liam still has to figure out how to completely end it. Zayn comes up with a new negative reason everyday ! And the larger boy just doesn't understand, because Zayn is the literal definition of perfect.

His caramel brown eyes, his cute little nose, the little stubble from the nights Zayn wasn't able to shower because of his mother.

Zayn himself was perfect. Maybe he didn't have the best life, but he was perfect.

Another thing that's changed was their friend groups.

Liam being popular, you'd expect him to sit with the whole school. Well that's not the case. Liam normally only sits with Louis, maybe another footie player may go and talk to them for the coach or something. But not a large group what so ever.

Zayn had always sat with his best friends on the same bench since the first year at this school. They actually carved their names into the large cement block.

And they still did. However, Liam and Louis had joined them. Josh would also stop by at times to check on his boyfriend.

Niall still didn't eat.

Harry and Louis seemed to be the closest however. Well, The curly headed boy was obviously closer to his two forever best friends, but he and Louis seem to be getting along quite nicely. Liam and Zayn always laugh to themselves at the two and call them a couple. They were the only ones who knew Louis liked Harry.

Something about his curly hair, or the fact that he wears a different bandana to school everyday, or maybe the fact that his voice is really low and talks slower than a sloth. But something really did draw Louis in. You could probably say he was whipped.

So it was a typical- well now typical- lunch for the five boys, Zayn, Harry, and Niall grabbing food from the cafe, then Louis and Liam joining them once they had started eating. Louis sat on the far right end of the bench with Harry next to him, and Liam on the far left. Zayn day on the ground in front of Liam while Niall sat beside him.

The two lovebirds began talking amongst themselves on the bench, while the other three engaged on a conversation. Until Josh came other and had his daily talk with his boyfriend, leaving Liam and Zayn to talk alone.

"Harry's not supposed to be gay" Zayn whispered carefully to Liam, eyeing the two boys beside Liam.

And Liam gave Zayn the most disgusted face, as if Zayn had said that.

"Robin said so" Zayn made eye contact with Liam, seeing his face soften at the fact that Zayn wasn't like that. "I'm gay Liam. Why would I be homophobic" The raven haired boy chuckled, seeing Liam flush red of embarrassment.

"Who's Robin" The elder asked after a few moments of silence.

"Harry's stepdad" Zayn rolled his eyes at the label. He had no right to say if Harry could or couldn't be gay. Sure, his mom didn't like it either, but still.

"That's stupid. Love is love." Liam sighed, eyeing Zayn's arms and legs, realizing he hasn't checked yet today.

"Liam" Zayn warmed. Liam was the only person that knew Zayn bruised. Not even his closest friends knew. That's what made Liam so special.

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