Chapter 11 : A European Union

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Lennon sat on the barstool and was about to order another drink when his phone buzzed with an unknown local number. He answered unsure as to who it could be.

"Hello, am I speaking to mister Lennon Adamski?" The British voice asked.

"Speaking.." Lennon answered, hardly actually listening.

"My name is PC Burgess calling from Worcester Custody suite. We've been given your name and number as a point of contact, for a young man currently detained here. He's given us the authority to speak to you."

"What's a custody suite?! Are you a police officer?" Lennon asked, confused.

"Yes, and we have mister Lafontaine-Martinez, detained here." The officer answered.

"Oh my God! what happened?!" Lennon exclaimed, desperate for more information.

"He was responsible for a breach of the peace while trying to pick up his Methadone from a pharmacy." The officer explained.

"Methadone?! Chéri's a drug addict?" Lennon asked, shocked.

"So, do you want to pick him up when he's discharged in a few hours? You don't have to, but he asked us to call you even though he told us you probably wouldn't want to collect him."

"That'll be the early hours! Okay, Where's your station? As I have no idea where Worcester is..." Lennon said as he searched his pockets for a pen and paper, "But, I'll come to get him. I'll be right there! Please don't discharge him without me."

"Well, when his discharge time comes, he's a free man." The officer said.

"Can you please tell him I'll come? I'll be there as soon as I can. Please, tell him that." Lennon insisted.

"He's asleep now, but I'll try to leave a message for him before I go off shift." The officer assured.

Lennon got directions and thanked the officer even though he knew that now, without the truck, the only option was an expensive cab fare to wherever this place was.

Lennon's mind raced. What should he say to Chéri? Should he press for answers to questions? Or should he just hold him in his arms and forget the past. He was just happy to finally know exactly where Chéri was, and that he was going to see him again.

After a forty-minute trip, Lennon arrived at the Worcester Police station. He walked into reception, "Hello! Good morning, I guess. I'm here to pick up Chéri. "

"One moment sir, let me ask the duty Sargent," She said as she picked up the phone, "Hello? Yes, it's me. There's an American national here to pick up Mr Lafontaine-Martinez, Oh? Okay, okay, thank you."

The Police receptionist put the phone down and turned to Lennon, "He was discharged around half an hour ago and he said he would wait outside for you."

Lennon gave a frustrated smile, "He's not outside..."

"Well, I'm sorry but he's not here. He discharged himself as soon as he was cleared to leave." The receptionist said.

"Can I speak to a PC Burgess? because he told me that Chéri would be here." Lennon said trying to remain calm but the frustration seeped through his faux calm composure.

"I'm terribly sorry, but he's left for the day. Have you tried calling your friend?"

Lennon looked down at the floor, "He never answers his phone, well, not to me at least."

"I'm sorry, sir."

"Me too." Lennon said before he walked out of the station. He folded his arms and leant against the brick wall trying to stop himself fuming for a moment. He got out his phone and called Chéri, but it went to the answering phone.

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