Chapter 5 : Luring Lennon

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"Chéri, what's the deal with all the wires in the sides of your mouth. When do they come out?" Lennon asked.

"When this part of the straightening process is done. Though I'll have to find another dental surgeon to do it." Chéri mused.

"Why's that?"

"Because one of my exe's was a dental surgeon. You wanna know what he once told me?" Chéri said.


"He said.. he should wire my pretty mouth shut." Cheri said as he played with his hair.

Lennon looked back shocked. "But, why would he say something like that? Don't you think that's a bit crazy?"

"He was crazy! He turned into a total psycho. I wanted shot of him as he had an ugly temper. What would you say your temperament was?" Chéri said.

Lennon looked a little shocked as he replied, "Pretty calm, I don't really get riled up about anything. I am always told I'm too quiet. I guess I'm not big on shows of emotion. I don't fight, I'm never violent...ever. I nearly never curse and I don't raise my voice. Sooo, I'm nothing like your ex, Chéri. Though didn't you notice he was insane when you met him?"

"Nah not at first. He got crazier as time went on. He was so jealous and possessive of me. I felt strangled by it. He was also hyper-aggressive. I seem to only be attracted to arseholes."

"Well, I hope that ain't the case. Chéri...? Didja give him any reason to worry? I only ask cause... I've been cheated on and, at first it's just a suspicion, then an intrusive thought, then a preoccupation. It's all just hurt. In the end, we just went our separate ways. I felt that it was better to just cut my losses. I'm not going to get crazy or fight over anything. Too much stress and I like calm."

Chéri sighed, "You got off lightly then. It's a living hell to realise you can't live without someone who's pushed all your buttons and won't ever love you again. Especially if they were a once in a lifetime love." Chéri said in a somewhat pensive way.

"Pushing buttons is never good because you can't predict how they're gonna react. Do you think that actually happens in real life? Once in a lifetime love?" Lennon asked.

"Have you ever been in love, Lenny?" Chéri asked.

"Yeah, pretty sure I was... once." Lennon answered.

"Pretty sure?" Chéri asked.

"Chéri, you strike me as very smart and well educated. Why would you want to get involved with crazy or dangerous people?" Lennon asked.

"Well, that's life ain't it? Sometimes people are thrown together, sometimes it's planned and sometimes it's fate. But you exude calm, I couldn't imagine what it would take to get you heated, in any way." Chéri added.

"Nah, don't get me wrong, I get hacked off about stuff sometimes as anyone else would, but it's a waste of energy. I'd just rather avoid confrontation. As for violence... It never solves anything." Lennon said.

"But if you're so laid back? Do you ever take a stand, or go after something you want?" Chéri asked as he reached in his rucksack to get his cherry lip balm.

"Sure. I mean... I'm very determined. When I set my mind on something... I do everything within my power to realise it." Lennon shrugged.

"You're not big on answers, Lenny."

"I didn't know I was being questioned." Lennon laughed as he answered.

Chéri was still applying balm on his lips and smoothing it over with his finger, "You strike me as a very quiet person, very private."

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