Chapter 12 : Re-enter, Chéri

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He walked in and found the Ibis. He went in and passed the reception to get in the lift while looking at the floors, and room numbers.

The doors opened and he stepped out following the directions for room sixty-nine. As he turned off the main hallway into a smaller hall that led to rooms, he froze as he looked at the figure standing in the doorway.

"Chéri, Is that you?" Lennon asked.

The thin five-two figure leant against the left side of the doorway slowly swaying his whole body right and left, with his arm to his side holding a large bottle of champagne. The other hand was holding a lit cigarette blatantly, breaking the no-smoking rules.

He was wearing dark navy blue knickerbockers with large buckles, under the knees where they gathered and plain black shoes. He matched this with a large cyan silk blouse which had a tall white collar and a small silver tie cord wrapped around it several times with a matching waistcoat.

His messy choppy hair was now much shorter especially on the sides and the back only reached to his ears. It was also dyed blond and had been gelled. He also wore two new small bright red flesh hole retainers in his ears.

"Of course, Lenny," he answered in a sultry voice as he looked at Lennon.

Lennon stood soaking wet in the doorway creating a pool of water on the floor. He said nothing as he walked right up to Chéri until he was standing right in front of him. Lennon stared down at him scanning his face and looking him up and down him. Chéri looked so different that Lennon had doubts.

Beautiful Chéri. All dressed up in fine clothes and smelling of cherries.

"Chéri, undo your shirt," Lennon said, abruptly.

"Lenny, why are you starting...-" Chéri started but was interrupted.

"Take your shirt off, Now." Lennon said.


"Show me your cherry blossom tattoos, now." Lennon said.

Chéri slowly unwrapped the silver necktie, several times around his tall white collar, then slowly unbuttoned his French shirt.

"You are Chéri? Not a double or a sibling?!" Lennon asked.

"Lenny, have you hit your head? Cause that's crazy talk." Chéri answered as half a smile crept across his face.

Lennon pulled Chéri's shirt open to see the tattoos starting at his collarbone and all the blooms on his skin. He also saw Chéro was wearing a large diamond necklace and could see the silver satin straps of a small double A-cup bra.

Chéri reached his hand out and ran it down Lennon's front. Looking down he could feel as well as plainly see the hardness pressing against the clothes. Chéri ran his hand up and down the large rod-shaped protrusion running down parallel to Lennon's thigh and it was highly viable against his clothes.

"You must be pleased to see me!" Chéri grinned as he looked up at Lennon, before silently putting the large bottle down, and kneeling in front of Lennon in the open doorway as he started to unbuckle his belt.

"No Chéri." Lennon said, gripping Chéri's little hands in his. He looked both ways down the corridor, then stepped into the room.

Chéri stood back up and shut the door slowly with a disappointed sigh.

"Chéri, let's talk first." Lennon said.

"What about?" Chéri asked.

"What have you done to your hair?"

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