Chapter 74 : Use me, Abuse Me, And Fuck Me Again, If You Like

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"As long as I have you Chéri, I have everything. You're like air to me, I need you. I can't live without you." Lennon said as they walked up, arm in arm.

"I feel the same. We're two parts of a whole." Chéri said as they reached the top of the stairs. "Honey, can you get the tickets up on your app so we can check our seat numbers?"

"Sure." Lennon said as he took his phone out and tapped the app.

"Let me see." Chéri said as he took the large phone. "Okay, we're over here, sat together. Oh, there's a problem."

"What?" Lennon asked.

"Lenny, these return tix don't say that we're flying back from Nashville to El Prat, Barcelona. They're booked from Nashville to Charles de Gaulle, Paris!" Chéri exclaimed.

"Oh shit! I've fucked up!" Lennon said with a blank stare.

"That's a pretty big fuck up, Lenny!" Chéri said.

"I'm sorry, I must have got the airport codes mixed up! You know I ain't smart with stuff like that." Lennon said.

"I'll get mom to buy new tix." Chéri said.

"Nah honey, it may turn out nicely! I mean, don't you think it would be nice to see yours, and my mommas, birth land? I used to go there with my momma and we'd see art galleries and stuff." Lennon said.

"But Lenny," Chéri said as he looked down. "Everything Marcel says about Paris is true."

"What does he say? It's his own capital." Lennon said, rolling his eyes.

"Paris is a dump now. It's becoming a ghetto because of illegal immigrants, thanks to the fucking E.U! That's why Marcel bought a big château in southern France, Provence I think. He said Paris has fallen. Paris is ruined." Chéri said.

"Hold on. He's bought a big château in southern France?!" Lennon asked.

"Yeah. He's still paying it off though, but it's massive. That man specialises in fortresses. He said humanity is rotten and he wants a place to escape it all." Chéri said, grinning.

"Holy shit! I ain't got nothing to my name! And he has a fortress!" Lennon exclaimed.

"Yes, you do! You have my empire behind you! Anyway, he's been in the whoring game for years, you've only just joined." Chéri replied.

The cabin crew woman checked their belts and that their carry on bags were by their legs.

Lennon turned to Chéri as he leant back against the headrest, "Do you have any regrets, Cher?"

Chéri shook his head. "Not when it comes to you, Lenny."

"This doesn't feel real. How I could find the love of my life randomly, on a highway." Lennon said as he held Chéri's hand on the armrest.

"Getting into your passenger seat was the best decision of my life." Chéri said, his baseball cap getting in the way of Lennon seeing all of his face.

Lennon pulled Chéri's baseball cap off to see his pretty, porcelain doll face, full lips and sparkling green eyes. Even with his hair pulled back and held with an elastic band, he was so beautiful. "I'm so glad you came back to me at the motel, or all this would never have happened. I remember getting on a plane to Spain, wondering what was going to await me there... what little I knew, about anything, especially about the world! Also, about people with money, and about people who operate above the law." Lennon said.

"There's so much more for you to do Lenny, so much more." Chéri said as he closed his eyes and rested his head back against the headrest of the seat.

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