Chapter 90 : Marcel Re-Enters The Bordello / Launches His Virginity Sales Model

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Javier waited at the door for the car to pull up, after the security checks. He opened the door to let Kenzo and Marcel in.

Marcel walked In, back in the usual clothes he wore at the Bordello. He put his black backpack on the table and turned to Kenzo and a smiling Javier.

Javier was shocked to notice that Marcel had a small piercing under his bottom lip. A small silver-coloured spike was visible.

"Good morning Boss! Welcome back!" Javier said warmly.

"Fuck you." Marcel responded as he put back on his top hat, "I have returned. I reassume leadership. I want stats on all asset groups and forthcoming events. I received a text from Madame Dolores asking me to watch over Lennon's circus of misfits until he returns. I want you to gather them for a briefing." Marcel said.

"I see you got a piercing! It's very fetching! Did you have a nice trip? " Javier asked.

"Javier, have you not heard a word I have just spoken?! You ask me for trivialities after this I have spoken to you?" Marcel queried.

Javier just picked up Marcel's backpack. "I'll take that as a no, then. I'll go get the LGBT teams. Oh! And two potential assets have interviews to join us."

"Girls?" Marcel asked.

"LGBTs," Javier said.

Marcel exhaled in irritation. "Tell them to fuck off."

"I can't. You have to interview them first. Madam Dolores has stipulated that." Javier replied.

Marcel rolled his eyes. "Okay, an interview they will get. Ready the teams."

Javier nodded, "At once." He said as he turned around to leave.

"Javier...?" Marcel said, making Javier turn around, "I travelled safely and well."

Javier slowly smiled, "Welcome back, boss. It's good to know you're back in command."

Marcel blinked slowly and nodded back. "It is good to be back. Javier, you have done well." He said before he walked off.

Javier's eyes moistened at the recognition.

Hours later, Javier, who now had bright flame-red hair like Serena, gathered the LGBT team, and walked into Marcel's office to inform him that they had gathered.

Marcel stared at Javier a moment. "What is this, you have done to yourself?" He said, pointing to his hair.

"I fancied a change. Variety is the spice of life." Javier said, happy to have been asked a personal question, because usually, no-one took an interest in him.

"This is good, makes you stand out, but, you do forget your eyebrows." Marcel announced making Javier notice that Marcel dyed his eyebrows white, and he made a mental note to dye his eyebrows bright red.

"Marcel, there were also three girls from the local college here to see you. We detained them as we knew nothing about any visit." Javier said.

"Ahh, yes. This is a new business model I am working on." Marcel said as he pulled out his phone and started to look at his online documents.

Javier looked on at the large smartphone, "Is that a note, boss? With the fancy stylus?"

Marcel just looked back at Javier, "It is a note, yes."

"Hmm, so what's this new business model?" Javier asked.

Marcel was casually swiping up on his phone, "Virginity sales."

For The Love Of Chéri (CHAPTERS 1-112 REWRITTEN)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz