Chapter 7 : That Cold, And Stormy Night, Was Theirs

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Lennon looked down at the large blossom tattoo on Chéri's hip as well as the growing bulge between his legs under the pretty red lingerie, "You know, I'm glad that you actually are... a guy. It crossed my mind that you may be a trap."

"Ha! You thought I was one of those saddo girls that hang out at gay clubs and try to pass as a femme to cop off with a gay guy for a dare, or some shite."

"It happens.. a lot, but I can always tell." Lennon said.

"Good! Anyway, it's not traps you need to be careful for, Lenny." Chéri replied, stroking himself over his underwear.

"Chéri... My God, what are you wearing?" Lennon asked, transfixed on Chéri's underwear.

"Like my knickers, then?" Chéri teased, seeing the effect it had on Lennon.

"Yeah, I'm sure lovin' the panties, though, for such a thin guy you sure got an ample round ass, and yours is very squishy." Lennon said as he slapped Chéri's ass cheek and saw a small wave, as it absorbed the slap.

"Must be all the impact. Pays to have a bubble butt, for shock absorption!" Chéri joked.

"Oh? Like impact, do 'ya?" Lennon said as he wrapped his arms around Chéri's waist, then pulled him close suddenly with a strength that nearly made Chéri lose his balance. He had no idea how strong Lennon actually was.

"Didn't you say 'all off'?" Chéri asked, pulling at the string of his knickers.

"I've changed my mind." Lennon said flatly.

"Were you truthful when you said you fancied me?" Chéri asked, looking up at Lennon.

"I swear, so help me God, on my life, as I stand here completely naked, 'cept a smoke in my mouth, I love ya." Lennon said, pressing Chéri so close to him, that he could feel his heartbeat, through his chest, "Love at first sight, Chéri."

"That's the first time anyone's ever said that bollocks to me. Normally, they're not looking for love, but then, neither was I." Chéri said.

"But, if they weren't looking for love, what were they looking for?" Lennon asked softly in Chéri's ear, as he pulled at the strings of his underwear letting them snap back against him.

"I dunno, probably, just a greased up fuck hole." Chéri shrugged.

"You've got.. quite the vernacular, Chéri." Lennon said as he rolled his eyes.

Chéri giggled then turned off the light, leaving the room only lit by the flashes of thunder as he got into the bed. He spread out and placed both his hands under his head. "C'mon big guy, think you can take me?"

Lennon shot him a confident smile and climbed onto the bed and then crawled on top of Chéri, pinning him down with his weight and holding his hands down to the bed as he buried his face in the small of Chéri's neck. He kissed him passionately while slipping his hand down between Chéri's legs, to caress him and listen to him sharply inhale and moan in pleasure.

Within a few minutes, Lennon was all over Chéri, kissing, touching, and running his hands over him. Having seemingly lost all of his inhibitions and worries, he was happy to abandon himself totally to Chéri. Lennon felt he was living in a wonderful moment, and happy to indulge in Chéri's little games, as well as live out this dream to see where it took him.

Chéri whispered in Lennon's ear, "Are you going to show me how much of a good Catholic Boy you are?"

"Yeah, I will, as you've taken me to church."

"I'll take you anywhere you're willing to go." Chéri whispered back before he licked his index finger, then rolled over to reach to the bedside table.

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