Chapter 15 : God, I Love Chéri

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Lennon awoke and turned around to find the bed empty. "Ohh! no! no! no!" he said aloud while he pulled himself up from the bed.

"Chéri!" Lennon called out in his familiar warm accent, putting one foot on the floor and then getting caught in the sheets, and falling over down to the floor causing a loud thud.

Chéri walked in from the kitchen holding a piece of toast and wearing Lennon's football shirt which he wore like a large dress. He stopped at the doorway and smiled at the sight of Lennon, butt-naked and fallen over.

"Lenny, that's no way to get out of bed."

Lennon smiled up from the floor as Chéri bent over double to kiss him.

"Let me make you coffee." Chéri said before stepping over Lennon.

"Yeah, I should put some clothes on. My flight's in thirty minutes." Lennon joked as he got up and sat on the bed.

"Oh, the flight you're not getting?" Chéri called out from the kitchen.


Cheri swayed back in elegantly, with a cup of coffee. "My mom texted me. She's sent me two tickets for a BA flight to Spain. She's excited to have me back and to meet you."

"Wow, really?! Please tell her I'll pay her back." Lennon said.

"I'm not telling her that! She'll be offended! She wants to thank you for how you've treated me. Got me a room, and looked after me!" Chéri said.

"Does she know that we're a couple?" Lennon asked.

"Sure. I told her we had sex twice last night and once in the early hours this morning. She was well impressed."

"Wait, what?!" Lennon asked, concerned.

"Lenny, I share everything with my mom. I even told her that you're a big boy. She knows more about sex then I do! She can't wait for you to fly over." Chéri smiled, "Only thing is that our flight is in a few hours, so we'll have to have our talk over dinner in Spain."

"I think I can wait a little longer for the truth." Lennon said as he put his arms around Chéri, "Chéri, you look gorgeous in my old T-shirt."

"Thank you, Lenny. I hoped you wouldn't mind."

"What's mine is yours darlin', anyway it looks better on you." Lennon said.

"You're such a generous man, Lenny." Chéri said.

"For the little man I love, sure." Lennon said.

"In fact, it was your big-hearted generosity that was the reason we met." Chéri said.

"That's reward enough, darlin'." Lennon said as he noticed a clear, square medicinal patch on the back of Chéri's shoulder. Chéri often had clear patches on him someplace sometimes even by scar lines of old operational wounds. "What's that patch darlin'?" Lennon asked.

"Oh, that? A painkiller patch. I get bad pains sometimes." Chéri said.

"I can relate to that, honey." Lennon answered.

"Have you recovered from falling to the floor, this morning?" Chéri asked.

"Yeah, but waking up and not finding you is a very real fear of mine, honey. In fact, I had a weird nightmare last night." Lennon said.


Lennon turned to Chéri and held his hand, "I dreamt that I woke up and you were gone and in actual fact, you never existed. I had gone insane and created you in my mind." Lennon said.

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