Chapter 80 : Lennon Has Only One Quuen, And Thats Suzanne

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Maxine was doing Jenelle's makeup for her mothers birthday party In town.

"How do you want your eyes?" Maxine asked.

"Colourful! Maybe a nice gold shadow?" Jenelle answered.

"And lips?" Maxine asked.

"Pink with gloss."

"I'll do your eyeliner first. I'll try to get both the eyes the same so hold still!" Maxine said.

Chéri followed the kitten into the living room where Maxine was doing Jenelle's makeup.

"Let's get a man's opinion!" Maxine said. "What do you think, Martyn? Pink lip gloss or red?"

Chéri looked in despair at the shades and drugstore makeup that Maxine was slapping on Jenelle in a very unskilled way.

"Hmmm..." Chéri said. "What colour is your dress?"

"Brown, why?" Janelle answered.

"I don't think these shades are the best choice for starters." Chéri said as he walked over and looked at the drugstore brands they were using. "When was the last time you colour matched your foundation with a store artist? Because this is too light for your skin." Chéri said.

"I just bought it off the shelf." Maxine answered.

Chéri rolled his eyes. "I watch my sisters do this all the time! Want me to help?" Chéri asked.

"Sure!" They both said.

"Okay! Wash your face and we'll start again. I think we should go for a dusty smokey eye with a gold outer and pop of white in the corners of your eyes, and then finish with a feline flick of eyeliner. Let me see what you have..." Chéri said as he emptied their makeup container to find uncleaned brushes and some of the worst colours he had ever seen. They had no fashion house brands or even any decent pallet.

When Jenelle came back, she sat down all excited as Chéri did some colour swatches on his arm and was scandalized by the lack of pigment in the pans.

"Okay, let's do your foundation first, then eyes. If you build drama on the eyes then you have to tone down the lips, so we're going to do a nude lip with clear gloss. Then, we contour!" Chéri said.

"What's contour?" Jenelle asked.

Chéri looked at the two girls with an expression of pure shock. "It's like...shading, to pop your cheekbones and slim your face and neck. If you don't have any contour then I can improvise some out of brown eyeshadow."

"Martyn, are you a makeup artist?" Jenelle asked.

"No, I've just seen all my sisters do this." Chéri said as he washed the brushes quickly. He walked back and leant down in front of Janelle. "Okay, first you pump out three pumps of foundation on the back of your hand and let it warm a moment, then you use the brush to pick some product up and hit problem areas first, like dark circles under the eyes or shine on the forehead." Chéri said.

Maxine said in her thick southern accent. "Product... I love the way he speaks."

The girls watched In awe as Chéri covered her face flawlessly in seconds. Then they watched him prepare the colours he was going to use.

Logan walked in with his mother holding coffee for everyone after they had prepped dinner, and he stopped and stared as he saw Chéri making up Jenelle.

"Do any of you have a setting mist?" Chéri asked as the girls just stared at him confused. "Okay, no primer, no fixer.." Chéri lamented.

"What are they?" Maxine asked.

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