Im Sorry part 2 (9)

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"The family of Kayla," I hopped off of the bitch and walked up to the doctor.
"Well There's good news and bad news.....

"Well there's good news and bad news," shit I I guess I want the bad news first. "
"What's the bad news," I sighed picking up Tj.
"Well the babies passed because of her blood loss," wait did her just say babies.
"Um babies."
"Yeah she was pregant with twins."
"Well can I go back and see her?"
"Yes you may but, you need to talk to her a little slow."
"Alright," Tremaines big headed ass said.
"You need to leave," I rolled my eyes and walked toward Julia and Julien to help them grab their bags. Then this loud ringing sound came from the sky.
(It was all a dream)😂😂
I woke up with tissues all over the bed. Damn I need to get over thing whole situation...


It was a dream 😂😂
Alyvia tripping 😭
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