4. You Are Officially My New Friend

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My alarm clock keeps beeping, making me more and more furious. After 5 minutes of nonstop beeping, I decide it's time to get up. I throw my blankets, pick my clothes up and go take a shower. It's raining outside, meaning I decide to wear a black jean with a soft blue sweater and boots. I stare in the bathroom's mirror. I bite my lips as I pull my black hair back in a messy bun. I put no mascara on my thick eyelashes and I finally stare at my blue eyes. I blink rapidly and tear my gaze from my reflection, not wanting to see more.

"Kids ! You're going to be late !" Billy yells from downstairs. I finish preparing myself and hurry downstairs, my backpack in one hand and in the other a book.

"Here is your lunch Alexandra." Billy hands me a paper bag which I put in my bag. William is eating bread and jam. I kiss him quickly, grab an apple and practically run to catch Jacob, already outside.

"Hurry up Alexandra, I don't want to be late ! We have to meet with Embry and Quil. " Jacob screams from the cab. I jump in the car and he immediately starts driving.

"What the hell Jacob ! You couldn't wait for two damn minutes ?" I swear as I buckle up. I make sure to glare at him for a full minute before I start eating the green apple.

"Nope." he says.

"You're sixteen, right ?" I ask.

"Yeah. Same as you ?" he says, turning left.

I nod. "Do you think you could teach me how to drive ?" I tell him, praying that he says yes...

"Sure. I mean, we could do that during the weekends and in secret so that Dad doesn't catches us, but sure." he just shrugs and continues looking at the road. I grin madly : mom and dad never wanted me to learn how to drive and now...

We finally reach the school after 5 minutes in the car. It really isn't as big as the one I went to in New York. It has a parking lot, one building and that's it.

I suddenly remember that I left William with Billy without knowing who was going to take him to school. "Jacob, do you know by any chance who is going to drive Will to school ?" I say.

"I think Dad asked one friend of his who also has a girl of the same age." he explains while getting out of the car. I hop out of it and we walk together to the entrance doors.

"Jake ! Where were you man ?!" I hear a deep voice calling loudly. I look around to see who called out to see two guys coming towards Jacob. They finally notice me and grow silent as they stare at me. I wait for them to say a word.

The one who talked earlier grins madly. "Well, well, Jake. I thought we were your best buds. You could've told us you had a girlfriend !"

I stare at Jake to see him blushing madly. "Stop it Embry ! She's my cousin !" He gags to prove his point. I grin like the evil guy in a James Bond movie as I decide to take my revenge on Jacob for this morning. I've gained more confidence when I talk.

"What is this about Jakey ! I thought you loved me !" I whimper with a nosy voice as I cling myself to his arm. 

"Alexandra... What are you saying ?" he asks me embarrassed. He shakes me off and tries smiling to his friends. 

"What are YOU doing Jakey ! You told me you wanted me to meet them ! I'm breaking up with you !" I say, making a diva show. I put my hand on my forehead and fake a breakdown.

I glance under my eyelashes at Embry and the other one, to see them looking at the fight with gigantic eyes. I let go of the act and start laughing. "Caught you both ! No, seriously, I'm his cousin." I tell them. "Pleasure, my name's Alexandra Cooper." I take out my hand to shake.

"Nice to meet you Alexandra." The one called Embry steps forwards and immediately takes my arm to walk towards the school. "You are officially my new friend. Maybe my new best friend. I really have to replace Quil and Jake. They are so old." he tells me, gesturing to them.

I crack a smile and follow him as we start talking. Jacob and Quil are still shocked, but they soon catch up with us and join in our conversation.

So, you've met Embry and Quil ! What do you think of them ? 

Why do you love your friends ? 

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