27. I Want It To Stop

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"I'm home !" I say as I barge in.

I make my way to the living room : Billy is already here. Sam Uley must have called him and tell him to be ready.

"Alexandra, I'll explain to you everything, but please just sit down." Uncle Billy tells me and I nod in agreement.

"How ?" I start.

"Let me speak. The Council knows werewolves, I mean, shape-shifters exist. It has known since the beginning. The young men of the tribe turn into wolves every time vampires are near the Rez. So, when the Cullens reappeared, the wolves reappeared.

"It started with Sam Uley. He was the first one, so he's the Alpha of the pack. The Alpha is the leader of the pack, okay ? Then it was Jared Cameron's turn, Paul Lahote, Embry Call and finally, Jacob. Of course, others will soon shift, like your friend, Quil Aliteara.

"But let's go back in the past. Your mother wasn't a werewolf because she was a girl. I remember that when we were kids, she would often talk about the old legends and how she wished they could come true. And then, our Dad, your GrandPa, told us that they were all true and that he had even turned into one when the Cullens had first arrived in Forks !

"So, she did know about it, but she was scared after hearing about vampires. Scared that one day, if she had children, she wouldn't be able to protect them if the Cullens returned. She left.

"She still called me every day, and one day, she told me she had met a man and that she was in love. My little sister was in love, then married and then, I was an uncle ! I still missed her, but I got photos, calls and I knew she was safe. That's all I needed if she was happy." he finishes the long talk with a soft smile.

"But I never got to meet you, except for when I was five... It wasn't fair for us !"

"Your mom needed to talk to me personally : that's why you met me this year."

"What did she need to talk to you about ?" I ask, curious. He has an evasive stare, so I just let it go. "What about Dad ? Did Mom tell him anything at all ?"

"Your Mom never said anything to me about that. But, I guess she didn't say a thing to her husband."

I have so much revelations going on in my head. I know remember Mom never telling us stories with vampires, like Dracula, dissuading Corry from going to college in certain states, being afraid when we went out alone and not calling her...

"Well, that explains a lot." I conclude, resting my head in my hand and sighing.

Billy smiles, looking cautiously at me, maybe afraid that I might break all of a sudden.

"It's getting late, I'm just going to go rest a bit in my room." I tell him, walking away.

"Jacob should be home pretty soon. We'll eat when he gets back !" Billy yells as I take the stairs.

I scoff. Jake is going to spend all of his time with Bella, even more since she now knows about his big secret.

In my room, I take my phone out and text Kate, asking if I can go to her house tomorrow. She answers back enthusiastically, asking if she should prepare movies and cookies. I laugh alone and reply yes.

I put my phone back and lay on my bed, stretching. I see my bandage on the arm is a bit red, so I decide to go clean it again in the bathroom.

I put my arm under the water and hiss when it touches the wound. I don't need to go to the hospital, but it's hurting like hell, still. The water is red and I stare at hit for a while.

I raise up and close my eyes when a headache suddenly overcomes me. I hold the sink and breath deeply.

It's no use, the pain is intensifying and I make a move to take some Advil. But a soaring pain appears in my abdomen, cutting my respiration. I let go a muffled cry and fall on the floor, holding my stomach. I cry, not able to breath and choke. I hope, I hope with all my faith for the horrible pain to go away. Nothing happen and I think for a moment that I might die here with no one noticing my suffering.

I hear the door open. "Alex, Dad wants you to go down and help prepare dinner, and don't start pestering, I'll help too, but you know I... What's going on ?!" Jacob stops blabbering and sees me on the floor.

He really is asking me that ?! It's when I'm yelling and crying that he talks to me ?!

The pain is burning my stomach and...

"DAD !" Jake screams.

I close my eyes, tired of fighting the pain. I let go.


"Alexandra ? Blink once if you hear me." Dr. Stevens says softly in my ears and I blink.

I open my eyes and am welcomed by her sincere smile.

"Well, you gave us quite a fright back there !" she tells me and chuckles. She gives me a glass of water which I drink rapidly. My throat is sore from all the sleeping.

"You were unconscious for three hours. Your cousin brought you here, in a hurry might I say. I wondered if you were in pain because of your body purifying itself, but in fact it was because, I think, of the new treatment." Dr. Stevens tells me and I'm on the verge of crying again. "You'll have to stay in the hospital for at least a week. We'll run a few tests, try a new treatment. I'm so sorry, but if the tumor grows again, I'll have to operate your heart in the next few weeks."

"What is the percentage of survivors for this operation ?" I ask, my voice trembling. Do not break, do not break in front of her.

She bites her lip and tucks a strand of blond hair back. "There is no precise percentage, but..."

"What is the percentage ?" I demand again.

"Less than 10%." she whispers. "I'm sorry Alexandra, I wish Dr. Cullen could answer my calls and questions : he's the one who started your treatment, he's the best surgeon I've ever known." she says and sighs in defeat.

"Okay, thank you." I tell her and smile bravely.

She leaves the room and Billy and Jacob come in together. I try to smile at them too, but I fail miserably.

"Don't worry, Alex. The other treatment will work." Jake says, rubbing my back.

"I don't care, I want it to stop." I sniffle back my first tears and hide from them behind my hair. The one thing is that I don't want to go through chemo again : I don't want to lose all my hair. It's now above my chin and I don't want to be bald again. "I want it to stop." I repeat, my voice broken, like my confidence.

Hi guys ! :) I checked on my story and saw 1k reads. I was like 'What !' I didn't plan to upload before the weekend, and then I saw the amount of reads. Thank you so much for reading this story ! Thank you to those who voted on chapters and followed me ! 

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