31. Messing With My Head

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Paul's POV

I left Alexandra's room after she fell asleep, hoping Jacob didn't hear us. I almost told her the truth, but she fell asleep before I could.

She looked so peaceful, her lips were parted and her breath was soft and regular. I could've stayed all night, at her side.

But I had to leave because her cousin threatened me. After our fight, he forbade me to see her and to talk to her. His reason was that I was her 'bully' for months and that I couldn't control my temper. I understand his point of view, but he can't possibly tell me what to do.


I grunt when Black starts talking. "Let's go to the beach, today ! Embry is already coming, so let's make it a pack-bonding activity !" I admit it, he has energy.

"Sam is the one who decides what is pack-activity." Jared says, getting up from the chair. "He's the Big Boss, remember ?"

"Come on !" Black pleads us and we all groan.

"Okay, but only if you stop crying." Jared jokes and I laugh.


We are on top of the cliff and Embry is ticking my nerves off. I can barely control myself and manage not to growl at him. He is too close to Alexandra and I hate that. I know that she isn't my girlfriend or anything, but I don't like this guy. He seems too innocent and cheerful to be a normal human being.

"Remember when Alex threw at you eggs because you had made fun of her hair ?" Black says to Embry while taking his shirt off to jump off the cliff.

I groan : here goes another story. "Yeah ! She said that I was an idiot who couldn't see the difference between an egg and a bald head !" Embry replies before running and jumping.

Thinking about what the idiot said, I frown. It was weird : maybe an inside joke between them ?

I lay back and stare at the clouds. I'm not in the mood to jump off cliffs, though normally, I'm the first one to plunge into water ! I guess the whole 'imprinting thing' is really messing with my head.

I can't help but think about her. What is she doing right now ? What was her first thought when she woke up and didn't see me ? Was she mad ? Did she understand why ?

As I think for a while, all the other boys jump and I'm alone until Black comes back. I can sense him glaring at me and I smirk. I just love making him mad by doing nothing at all.

I open my mouth to say something when I smell a particular smell. A vampire's one. I sit up immediately, glance around and transform. Black must notice it too because he get defensive.

I follow the scent without thinking. A leech is in the Rez and it could hurt Alexandra : I will catch it and kill it. As I move faster, but still silently, I recognize the smell : it's the same one we picked up last time. The leech's lover told us her name was Victoria and that she was the lover of James, another vampire. Apparently, the Cullen's killed her lover so now, she wants revenge.

The leech still hasn't noticed me. She jumps off a cliff, the one just above ours. I stop, look at the sea and grunt. I won't be able to follow her.

I'm about to turn around and go to Sam's to do a report when some strange feeling pulls me back. I look closer at the sea and see the red-head approaching someone in the water. Someone is down there ? Is that person crazy or what ? In January, the water is under 0 ! Without our metabolism, we wouldn't be able to jump !

I transform back into my human form and jump. I swim as fast as I can and reach the person. I don't see the leech anywhere, it must've smelled me and escaped.

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