23. I Care

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Just after going to the hospital on Tuesday, I immediately went back home, laying on the couch as I watched TV. I feel so weak and Dr. Stevens said it was going to get worse. I can't imagine how it's going to be like in a few days.

I'm watching an episode of FRIENDS, chuckling every time a joke is made. Honestly, it's the best show I've ever seen. In the middle of a laugh, I cough and have to drink some water for my sore throat.

I'm not coughing as much blood as before, which is why Dr. Stevens said my body was almost done purifying itself. When I finished coughing my guts out, I lay back on the pillows, allowing myself to rest for a while. I take a quilt and put it on my shoulders in search for some heat. I know it's the end of January, and that it's going to get colder and colder, but I already feel horrible.

The doorbell rings, pulling me out of my thoughts. I raise myself up, keeping the quilt close to me and open the main door to see Bella. She looks horrible, honestly : she has bags under her eyes, her hair is a mess and she glares at me non-stop.

"Is Jake here ?" she asks me, narrowing her eyes.

I shake my head. "Unfortunately, no. He's probably off with his 'new' friends." I tell her, disgusted. He hasn't been back home since our fight and I'm tired of fighting, so I let him go.

"Are you sure ?" she says, getting on her toes to see if I hid him behind my back.

"Yes. A hundred percent, Bella." I tell her, annoyed. She threatens me, but then she comes and tries to get something from me ?

"Let me check." she demands roughly, pushing me to enter the house.

I glare at her. I wonder if Edward knew how rude she was. 

I want to follow her and demand to her to leave, but I start coughing loudly and sneezing. I grab a tissue to sneeze in it and when I throw it in the bin, I see the tissue now has a dark red colour. I've only been losing blood from my mouth, not nose ! Is it getting worse or...?

I then remember Bella is in this house and I run to try following her. I see the backyard door is open, so I conclude she went outside. I was right, I see her yelling at boys in my backyard. I sigh angrily and go outside, without shoes or coat. It's cold and I have to control my mouth otherwise my teeth will shatter themselves.

As I walk to Bella, I glance at the boys and realization hits me like a ton of bricks : it's the gang of Sam Uley, but what are they doing here ? Bella is screaming at a tall boy who seems familiar : Paul. Has he been working out ? He has muscle and with no tops on, he is handsome... I shake my head and walk towards Bella, touching her shoulder when I reach her.

"Bella, you should go. You had no permission to enter my house and to scream like that to them." I whisper to her, nicely, even if it kills me.

She faces me and I take a step back when I see the anger in her eyes. "So you don't care if Jacob is with this steroids gang ?" she asks me aggressively.

I care more than her, but I don't have the energy to explain that to her. "Of course, I care. But I don't need you to..."

And then, he cuts me off. "Yeah." Paul scoffs. "Let the nerd in charge. And go run to your bloodsucker." Bella slaps him. Wow. I stare at her, my eyes wide.

Feeling vibrations in the air, I turn around and see Paul, his eyes fixed on Bella, shaking with anger.

"Bella, run !" screams Jacob who just came out of nowhere. Even when I'm next to Paul who seems to be getting out of control, my own cousin doesn't care about me.

Someone grabs my arm and pulls me back. Out of instinct, I shake him off. "Alex." Embry tells me quickly. "You should run too." he says, worried. I glare at him and slap his hand which was going to grab my arm again.

"Leave me alone." I snap at him.

I look back at Paul and stare in his eyes.

Hi everyone ! Sorry for this short chapter ! Tell me what you think of the story ! 

Thank you to those who voted chapters and added this story to their libraries. It means so much to me ! I'm not going to do a trading like '5 votes and 1 comment for another chapter', but it would mean so much for a new writer to get some feedback from the readers ! But it's okay if you're shy and all...

Love you guys ! :)

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