41. It's Like In My Nightmares

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The next day passes smoothly, except for the fact that Paul is crazy. He keeps following me wherever I go, even waiting for me next to the bathroom. At first, I thought it was kind of cute. But then, I clearly got annoyed.

"Paul, I'm sick of you following me. Please, go away." I told him as sweet as possible on the morning of the second day.

He didn't listen and continued. At the end of the day, I slam the front door to his face and close my window and curtain. Just when I thought I could finally be alone, he comes knocking on my window.

I let out a scream behind my teeth and open the window.

"A night ! All I want is a night alone ! Can you understand that ?!" I shout at his face, before closing the window, again.


"How did you sleep, Alex ?" William asks me the next day. "Because you look horrible." he says, leaving for school.

I groan at him, putting my head on the table and closing my eyes. I leave my cereals untouched and slowly dozed off to sleep.

"Hey ! How are you, today !" Kate shouts as she enters the kitchen.

I raise my head, very, very slowly and glare at her.

"Whoa ! You look..." she tilts her head. "Tired."

"I look horrible, I know. Haven't gotten any sleep. Bad dreams." I mumble, towing with my spoon.

"Paul left you alone last night ?" she asks and I grunt.

"Kept knocking at my window for an hour until he finally left. And then, bad dreams. Very bad dreams. Very, very bad dreams." I mutter under my breath, not thinking clearly. "Couldn't sleep and then, Will came jumping on my bed because he said he's my alarm clock and that I have to work." I tell my best friend who laughs at me.

"I was going to ask you if you wanted to go to the beach with us, but clearly, you can't."

"Don't you have any school, or what ?" I ask her.

"No school for a whole week. Everyone is asked to stay home because of some 'virus'. In fact, the Council did that to protect everyone from the army of vampires. After all, the school is outside the Rez." she tells me.

"Lucky you. At the online school, no one is aware that I could maybe die because of a vampire." I joke.

"Rest today." she advises me. "I'll ask Paul to stay away from you for a day." she says before leaving.

"Thanks !" I shout at her.

I look at my cereals and start eating them. I spit them : they are disgusting, now !

"I hate this day. Hate, hate, hate." I say to myself.


"Why the fuck should I read this fucking book when I don't even want to study that ?" I grumble, flipping the geography book. "I want to work as a chemical engineer, not as a... I don't even know what !" I yell, throwing the book.

This day has been absolutely amazing. First, bad night, bad dreams. Then, geography day. I hate this subject. I get my test back and see that I completely failed it ! I try cooking lunch myself, but end up burning pastas. I try to study the rest of the afternoon, but nothing stays in my mind.

I feel like it's only the beginning and that tonight, I will again have the nightmares. I'm on the verge of breaking.

I calm down and breath deeply. I can't break because of some nightmares : it's childish.

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