25. What The Heck Is Going On?

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"Oh. My. Gosh. I'm dead. I'm dead, gone to heaven and even there it's a mess." I mumble under my breath when Embry forces me to follow him. "My arm is bleeding and I don't feel a thing."

He takes his shirt off and puts it on my arm, stopping the flood of blood. "It's the shock, Alex. It'll hurt in a few minutes once you've come down from your crazy speech."

"Shut up." I snap, getting away from him and walking on my own. Just because I'm crazy doesn't mean I forgive him for what he has done to our group of friends.

"Um... it's that way." he says. I turn around and see him pointing to a car where Jared and Bella are.

I shrug. "I totally knew that. I just wanted to frustrate you."

He smirks and walks by my side. "If you say so."

I bite my lips and try to get some answers. "Embry, I'm not crazy, am I ? I did saw Paul and Jacob turn into wolves, didn't I ? And so did you, right ? Because if not, it really means I'm crazy and I don't want that. Think of William if I were to be transferred in a psychotic place, he would be devastated !" I blabber, waiting for him to stop me and tell me he did see what I had.

He doesn't say a word. He lets me talk and keeps an emotionless face, staring at the car where the others are waiting.

I get in the back of the car and see that Jared is in here, taking bets with Embry.

"I'm damn sure she's going to puke before we get to Emily's." he says with assurance. "Look at her face, it's green." I glance at Bella and I have to admit Jared is right, Bella's face is greenish and she doesn't look so good.

"No way. She was with a vampire, I bet you she'll keep it in." Embry responds.

"Wait, vampires ?" I ask, my voice slightly rising and trembling. The boys don't answer my question and I don't push them farther.

I put my head in my hands and breath deeply, trying to calm my nerves. What is happening to me ? What the heck is going on ?


We arrive to a big house and everyone gets off but me. "Come on Alex, let's go inside. You don't want to die because you bleed in the car, right ?" Embry says to me, in a joyful voice.

I turn my head sharply and glare at him. Jerk. Biggest jerk in the whole wild world. I stomp off the car and slam the door as hard as I can. I know he loves his car as much as I like to keep my books to myself, so it's a huge satisfaction.

"Alex, that's right ?" Jared asks from the front door. I notice Bella is better than before and though I try to catch her eyes, she doesn't look a single second in my way.

I nod coldly, keeping my eyes downwards. "I'm Jared Cameron, but you must've heard from me at school and all. So, we're at Sam and Emily's house, do you know them ?" he asks me awkwardly.

I do know Sam Uley, the big boss of this stupid gang, but Emily... I suddenly realize that she must be Leah's cousin, the one with whom Sam fell in love, leaving Leah all alone. "I do know them."

"Okay. Well, just don't stare at Emily's face, it annoys Sam." he tells Bella and I, before entering the house and racing with Embry.

Bella follows them and I hesitate. Now would be my chance to run away from all this, forget about it... I turn around, ready to run outside when a smell reaches my nose. Muffins.

I immediately enter the house, trying to make it as if I wasn't running. I prefer the term 'fast-walk'.

When I go in the kitchen, Embry and Jared are already eating their muffin and Bella I nibbling on hers. Even I can say she doesn't fit in this scenery. "Oh ! Hi ! Who are you ?" asks a sweet voice at my right.

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