28. I Thought You Were My Friend

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"Oh, my Alexandra !" Kate screams as she enters my hospital room. "I can't believe you... I... How are you doing ?" she says, sitting next to me on my bed.

I push myself and we lay on the bed together, like when we do sleepovers. "Yeah. It sucks to be me." I tell her and laugh softly.

She frowns and takes a box of cookies from her bag. "I know they don't want you to eat too much sugar, but here is what I had prepared for today. Let's eat them before Dr. Stevens comes back." she says, opening the box.

I take a cookie and smile at it. "You really are my best friend." I say to Kate and hug her.

"Of course ! I put chocolate chips because I know they are your favorite !" she exclaims and I chuckle. She loves being over-dramatic.

"So, I was wondering, have you heard of..." I start before seeing someone at the door of the room.

I hide the box of cookies under the pillow and stare at Embry. He is looking at Katherine who is staring straight back at him with a torn look.

"I... just wanted to see how you were doing." Embry explains, keeping his eyes on Kate who is blushing.

"Get out, Embry." she says, getting off the bed. "It's girl's time. Plus, I thought we weren't friends, so don't bother coming ever again !" she shouts and slams the door in his face.

"Kate. We're kind of in a hospital, with people, who are sick. Slamming doors and shouting isn't really authorized." I tell her and laugh when I see her ashamed face. "Don't worry, if someone comes, we'll tell him it wasn't us !"

"I hate him. So much." she mumbles, going back to her previous place on the bed. "He's not here when I need him every single day, but he manifests himself when you're hurt and on the verge of dying !" she cries and my heart breaks when I hear her words.

I take her in my arms. "Kate, I promise you, he loves you. I talked to him yesterday and..."

"What ?! You talked to him ?!" she jerks away and I wonder what I've done bad.

"Well, yes. He was taking me home and he told that he..."

"I thought you were my friend !" she shouts. "I said that I didn't want you talking to him after what he did to us ! You told me that I was right and that he better not come around ! What happened ?!" She's hysterical and right.

"I know, but I was at Sam's house, I had no one to get me back home and he was the only choice !" I yell back at her. She doesn't know a thing !

"Sam's house ? Sam Uley ? Spirits, you're in the gang now ! Gosh, I'm so dumb." she says and gets up, taking her box of cookies.

"Kate ! I swear it's not what you think. The gang isn't on steroids or drugs, but..." I'm about to say everything to her, but then I remember what Embry made me promise, so I shut up.

"I see." She seems so cold when she puts her coat on, letting her hair down. "I'll tell Quil and we'll see. Bye" she mutters and storms out of my hospital room.


I stay in my bed all day long, not getting up. I've lost my best friend.

A nurse comes in and checks my vitals. "Sweetheart, let's get you ready for the RMI. Come on, go get something to eat at the cafeteria and meet me second floor, room 14, okay ?" she asks sweetly and I nod.

I hop off my bed and go in the halls in my hospital gown. I don't have any clothes yet, so that'll have to do.

I enter the lunch room, avoid any stare and go in line for some food and water. I feel everyone's eyes on me, looking at my tired face and at my body. I know I'm ugly, but I'm so hungry that I don't give a damn.

"Hello. Could I have some mashed potatoes and ham ? Oh, and a bottle of water, too. Thanks." I say to the serving lady who has a sneer on her face when she sees me.

"How are you going to pay, girl ?" she asks me. "This food ain't free." She chews a gum and stares impassively at me.

"I... If I promise to come back with the money, will that be enough ?" I say, crossing my fingers.


"Listen, I have a RMI in two minutes and I haven't eaten since yesterday. I'm a patient of Dr. Stevens." I explain, but this lady keeps a straight face.

"I don't care if you're the princess of whatever country. No money, no food." she tells me and I blush. She talked rather loudly and now, people are waiting for my answer.

"Nevermind." I mutter, leaving the room.

Do not break, do not break, do not break. I repeat those words in my mind like a mantra and head over to the second floor.


Dr. Stevens comes in my room with Billy and two RMI in her hand.

"Well, I have to say, we're going to have to work hard." Dr. Stevens says nervously. "The tumor is growing, but less rapidly than last month. You will come every day after school and run a few tests, take your medicine and talk about how you're feeling with me. It's important to get your feedback, because we're developing a new treatment just for you."

"I don't want to be a burden to all of you." I say and she shakes her head.

"Alexandra, you aren't a burden. It will be an honor to heal you. I'll do everything possible." she promises and I lay in my pillow again. "Since I don't see any major danger, you don't have to stay a whole week like I told you before."

"I'm so happy to see William again. Wait, what day are we ?" I ask Billy.

"Wednesday, 13th of January."

"He's coming back in two days !" I smile, excited to see my brother.

"Mr. Black, I must tell you something." Dr. Stevens murmurs to my uncle. They turn around and I face their back. "Alexandra is going to be very vulnerable these next few days. I'd encourage no contact with the exterior, a bucket near her in case she vomits, lots of water and showers, sugar and movies. She'll have to stay away from others."

"I won't be able to hug Will when he comes back ?" My voice breaks and I bite my lip.

"You're going to be exposed, Alexandra. If your brother has, even the tiniest, microbes, they can enter your body and it would be dangerous for you. After five days have pass, you must come to the hospital, we'll run the test and see if your body has done purifying itself, okay ?" she tells me apologetically.

"Okay." I whisper, because it's what she wants me to answer.

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