19. We Are Leaving

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School was fine for the first week. Sure, I got a few stares and whispers, but it went smoothly thanks to Alice and Emmett. I tried talking to Bella, but she continues ignoring me for some reason, so I gave up.

Today is Bella's birthday apparently. Jacob made a deal with me : I'll give her his present and he'll be my servant for the rest of the week. Fine by me.He made her a dream-catcher. I don't know why I feel hurt, it's not like I cared if he didn't get me the same kind of birthday present. But I could really use one of those, I keep having bad dreams or no sleep at all. For example, I stayed awake with William last night because he wanted me to read him a story : he was scared to be all alone.

I yawn and start waking to my first class. I see from the corner of my eye Bella and Edward, so I decide to give the present now rather than later today.

"Hi, Bella ! Hi, Edward !" I tell them cheerfully, skipping to their side.

"Oh ! Hi, Alexandra." Bella says. Unlike other people, she chooses to call me by my full name.

"Here's your birthday present from Jacob... and I." I say, handing her the package. "Jacob did the most work, but I helped him." I gave her the present, which counts as helping, right ?

"Thanks..." she tells me visibly embarrassed. "I'll call Jacob tonight to thank him."

"You're welcome !" I respond before leaving them alone. Edward keeps having an amused look on his face. He's kind of weird.


I came back from school and I am actually doing my homework in my room. I look outside, letting my mind escape the reality. I have to go to the bookstore and get new books : I have already read all those in my room. Sighing, I write an essay on Macbeth. At first, I hated reading the play, but it got interesting.

Just when I finished writing the last sentence, my phone started ringing. Without looking at who is calling me, I answer.

"Yep." I say, putting the phone on my shoulder so that I can write a few more things.

"Alexandra ?" a voice asks, disturbing me because I don't recall giving Edward my number. "I got your number from Alice."

"Oh. Um, why are you calling me ?" I say, slightly concerned.

"Alex, we are leaving."

"Excuse me ?" I tell him, not understanding what he told me. "All of your family ? Even Alice and Emmett ?" Now I start panicking : they are the only people with whom I talked at school.

"Yes, something... came up." he hesitates on the last part.

"Thanks for telling me." I thank him, the realization of the situation hitting me.

"Could you watch out after Bella ?" he asks me suddenly.

I'm startled by his question. Didn't he notice how cold she was with me ? "Sure. But have you told her yet ?"

"Yeah. She wasn't to keen of the news." he says. "Please, do me this favour." he starts pleading me.

"Of course I'll look after her, if she lets me."

"Thanks. Bye." he tells me.

"Bye." I say. The phone call had already ended.



"What do you mean Bella ?" I ask her frustrated. She just shakes her head and goes back to dropping her gaze on her food. I sigh in annoyance and drop the subject.

It's been one month since the Cullen left. Bella doesn't speak anymore, she doesn't acknowledge anything, she just stares. And it creeps me out. Sure, she loved Edward, but after a few weeks, she should be alright, right ?!

"Whatever." I mutter, getting up and leaving the cafeteria.


"Dr. Cullen left me precise explanations concerning your treatment and asked me to call him if any complications come." Dr. Stevens says, smiling. She is a young women, probably in her early thirties. Her blond hair is in a ponytail and she looks like an angel.

"So, she'll be okay ?" Uncle Billy still asks, worry lines forming on his forehead.


"Don't worry, Billy. I'll be just fine. I haven't thrown up in ages, my hair is growing back and I've started gaining weight again !" I tell him. "I feel better since the new treatment Dr. Cullen gave me early September."

"Let's schedule appointments every two week, on Saturday. Fine with you ?" Dr. Stevens asks, tipping on the computer.

"Great !"



It's been two months since Edward and his family left and Bella still isn't better. I try to talk to her, but she shuts me out every time. I prefer to leave her alone and wait for her to come. If she even comes.



I wake up this morning to the sound of Bella's truck. I groan and lift my head up. Kate stirs in her sleep and her droll drops on the cushion. I make a grimace and hop off the bed.

I put a jumper over my pajama and rush downstairs. Bella is leaning on the counter while Jacob talks to her with attentive eyes. "So, yeah, I could do it, but your dad Bells..." Jake starts saying.

"Promise me Charlie and Billy won't know about this." she tells him, her eyes wide.

I walk up to them and wait for her to talk to me. She doesn't even look at me. I raise my head to look at Jacob, who is so emerged in his talk with Bella, that he doesn't notice me. I shake my head in disbelief and walk away. I can't believe this girl. I was by her side for 1 month and a half, talking to her, keeping her company and she doesn't say anything. No thank you.

I decide to walk to Embry's house, which is next street. We had some plans for today with the rest of our friends, so I have to wake him up. Lately, he has been sleepy, groaning and swearing.

I say hello to his mother before entering his room. I see my friend spread all over his bed, mouth open with saliva on the corner. Kate and him should talk about this common feature.

"Hey, Jerk !" I whisper, kneeling next to his head. He curses under his mouth, which makes me smile. Payback's a bitch. He did the same thing with me last weekend.

"I feel like crap Alex, would you be kind and let me sleep for another hour or so ?" he asks sleepily.

"Stop kissing your imaginary girlfriend and come back to the real world." Rolling my eyes, I take his sheets.

He is, thank god, wearing a shirt and boxers. "She's not imaginary, it's a girl from class and..." he complains.

"I didn't say to give me the details Embry !" I mutter, covering my ears to show how I don't want the details of his love life.

"I'm up, I'm up." He gets up and I frown : he's gotten really tall these past few weeks. He also has a burning skin. Weird.

Hi guys ! This story is ranked in fifth place in Paul Lahote and in sixth place in openff ! I'm literally so happy ! Thanks so much to those who are reading this story, adding it to their library, voting on chapters :)  

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