5. What Does NF Stand For ?

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"Now, I would like you to welcome our new student, Alexandra Cooper." the teacher presents me from her desk, sounding depressed. "Why don't you come and present yourself to the class Ms. Cooper ?"

I get up, walk in front of everyone and face the class. There are no more than 20 students in each class, which is small compared to the thirty students per class in New York.

"Hi everyone, my name is Alexandra Cooper. I'm sixteen and I just moved from New York with my little brother to my uncle's house. I currently speak English, French, Spanish and a bit of Mandarin." They don't seem to be listening to what I'm saying, they choose to rather stare at me.

"Very well, now, let's start with algebra. Get your books out and let's begin with exercise 2 page 45."


The rest of the morning went smoothly, but I got a lot of stares from the students. I just ignored them and always kept my head up. I forced myself to stay positive even though I felt lonely. All the persons in this school had known each other since they were little : I'm an outsider. When it was time for lunch, I went straight to my locker. I let go all the books in my arms in it, and take out the paper bag lunch Billy had packed up for me.

"Hey, aren't you the new girl ?" asks a cheery voice. I turn around, half expecting the typical mean girl with her typical fake smile. But all I saw was a girl, from about my age, with long dark hair and dark eyes. She was looking at me with a bright smile. The girl was wearing a yellow shirt and a pair of red pants with sandals : did she know we weren't in summer ?

"I thought everyone knew who I was at this state." I say, shutting my locker. "Name's Alexandra."

"Katherine. Though I'd rather be called Kate. Maybe you'd like to sit and eat lunch with me ?" she proposes. I stare at her, not believing a human being is finally nice with me in this school. Well, apart from Jacob and his friends, although they have different timetables, which is why I still haven't seen them.

"It'd be great." is what I manage to say. She leads me to the cafeteria and we choose to sit down at the back. I open my bag to see Billy has packed me two apples, a piece of bread and some ham. Just as I start eating, Kate begins to ask me questions.

"So, tell me, how was it in New York ?" She is eating a carrot and paying attention to what I'm about to say next.

I think over my answer. "Very big. Awesome. But too big." I tell her quickly. She hums softly, as if she knew something was bothering me. And she's right.

"Do you like reading ?" I ask, trying to engage the conversation.

That's when I knew I had released a bomb. "Oh ! My ! Gosh ! Yes I do !" She's too enthusiastic and I barely save her bottle of water from falling. "My favorite one is of course Harry Potter. What about you ?"

"Me too ! I think I've read the series about fourteen times." I say.

"What's your favourite character and House ?" she asks fervently, wanting to know more.

"I would have to say Hermione because she's so brave, intelligent and just awesome ! But for the Houses, all of them are great, except Slytherin. Well, at least from my point of view." I tell her, not wanting to offend her if she's a big Slytherin fan.

"I like all houses. My favorite character is Luna. She's so... You know..." she tries telling me, but we both know there are no words to describe this character.

"You're right." I lean over the table as if I had the biggest secret in the world. "Now, the big question : Snape, good or bad ?"

"Good, definitely good ! He sacrificed himself for Harry !" she protests, her hand over her heart.

"What ?! No, not at all ! He didn't sacrificed himself, he only protected Harry because he reminded him of Lily, his mother. Which is really weird, you got to admit." I try convincing her. "He tortured Harry during the Potion's classes, he said mean remarks and when he was a teen, he called Lily a mudblood and he joined Voldemort ! I believe he is more bad than good, even if he protected Harry." I say.

We debate on the different points of view until we call a truce. The bell rings, meaning the classes of the afternoon will begin in about 5 minutes.

"What do you have next period ?" I ask her, checking my timetable.

"Ugh, I have maths class... Boring. I'm more of a literary person. After all, I do love books." she says, laughing. We exchange phone numbers and promise to call so that we can talk about Harry Potter.


After the last hour of class, I meet Jacob at the truck. He's waiting for me with Embry and Quil. As I'm walking towards them, I can see them laughing and talking : acting like real friends. I feel nostalgia creeping in my brain, but I shut him out. Not the right time for that.

I greet them. "I saw you with Katherine. Do you like her ?" Quil asks, putting an arm over my shoulders.

I sigh, thinking about the lunch talk I had with her. Definitely a nice girl if she likes books. "Yeah, she is really nice." I tell him.

"I thought I was your only friend NF... I'm hurt." Embry says, faking to be hurt.

"What does NF stand for ?" I'm a bit lost on that.

"NF. New Friend. Now, let's talk about the upgrade, BFF. You will have to do as I say for two months." he jokes. I laugh just as Jacob enters the car.

"See you later guys !" I say, waving goodbye.

"See you tomorrow Alex !"

I smile thinking about the day I just had. I met Jacob's friend who are funny, I found what I hope will become a new friend.

It was not a bad day like I thought it would be.

Here is her first day at school ! I like Kate, she seems nice. What do you think ?

What is your favorite book ? (Personally, I can't choose ! ) 

PS : Sorry, I just have to ask this to you guys : Snape, good or evil ?

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