36. She Fell Into A Coma

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Paul's POV

I rush to the hospital in my wolf-form. I take the clothes in my mouth and hurry through the forest as fast as I can. I can't believe what I've learnt, I can't believe that I've let her down...

I burst through the hospital doors and go to the reception desk. There are two persons in front of me, but I push them aside and look at the receptionist.

He looks at me, wide-eyes, and scoff. "Excuse me, but there were people before you. Go back in line and wait for your turn."

"Alexandra Cooper." I say. "What room ?"

"You think that just because you're taller and bigger than others, you can rule like that ? Go back in line, please. Or I'll call security." the man tells me, taking in his hand his phone.

"Paul ? What are you doing here ?" I hear a man ask me which makes me turn around.

Black's father who is in a wheelchair is facing me and he has a stern look. "Young man, what are you doing ?"

"Where is Alexandra ?" I demand, walking to him.

"It's none of your business, boy. Go back to Sam's house and wait for his orders." he tells me again and I explode.

"Where. Is. She ?! I just learned that my imprint is getting operated to remove her fucking tumor and you don't want to tell me where she fucking is ?! Are you kidding me ?" I shout and he looks troubled by what I said.

"Alexandra is your imprint ? Since when ?"

"Since more than a month ! I told her three weeks ago, I don't get any news from her, and then, I discover that she has cancer !" I can't hold back my anger.

I'm angry at her, at her friends, at her family, at Sam... Why did I have to listen to him ?!

"She is in the operating room. Don't you dare interrupt her operation." he threatens me and I glare down at him.

"I would never. I just want to know that she's... okay." I mutter the last word and mentally slap myself. How could she be okay ? She has cancer.

"You can sit down and wait for Dr. Stevens' report in thirty minutes : the operation should be finished then." he advises me and I can only nod.


"Mr. Black ? Found you, finally." a woman pants as she approaches us. "The operation... Who are you ?" she asks me, squinting her eyes, trying to remember me, maybe.

"He's an old family friend." Billy tells her.

"Alexandra doesn't know he's here, does she ?" she asks, sarcastically. "This girl... Um... The operation went well, the tumor was removed. But, there were complications." she says, looking at us with a sorry look. "Her heart failed, thrice. She fell into a coma after we had finished removing the last bit of tumor. We tried everything we could to wake her up, but nothing."

"What are you saying ?" I ask, my heart beating fast in my chest.

"She's in a coma and we don't know if she'll wake up." she tells us. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Black."

He says nothing, just shakes his head, his hand trembling slightly. She leaves us and I face Billy.

"What are we going to do ?" I ask, my voice breaking. "I won't... I can't... My imprint..."

"We will go see her and you will stay with her." he tells me strongly, rolling his wheelchair. He then proceeds to tell me about the legend. "I think Alexandra is that girl, that's why I told her the story a month ago."

"Did she know about it before I told her the truth ?" I demand.


"And she still didn't say anything to you or I." My voice is hard with anger.


"Room 324. Here we are." Billy says. "Go in, boy. I'll go get us some hot drinks." he tells me before strolling away.

I push the door open and go to the side of her bed. She looks fragile, with tubes coming out from her chest and arms, with her pale face, her thin lips and closed eyes.

I grab a hold of her hand and stare at her face, wishing her eyes would open and she would be safe. I wish it could be like in those stupid movies Emily watches, where she would squeeze my hand a bit. Nothing happens.

I stay by her side for the rest of the day and even when Billy leaves for the night, I decide to stay. I don't let go her hand and grow accustomed to the feeling of it. It fits perfectly my own hand and I can't help but think of what could happen if she woke up.

I was slowly drifting to sleep when the door opens. "Mr. Black, we should probably talk about... Mr. Lahote." a man talks while his scent reaches my nose.

I growl at the vampire and stand protectively in front of my imprint. "What are you doing here, leech ?"

He stays impassive. "I happen to be the doctor of Alexandra. What are you doing here ?" he asks in return.

"She happens to be my imprint, doc." I sneer and he nods.

"Well, I can tell you the report, no ?"


He turns a page and smile. "She's improving since you came. Maybe it's due to the legend Mr. Black told me, but you're improving her situation. Her vitals are stable, nothing wrong."

"He told you about the legend ?" I ask, surprised by this.

"He wanted a medical point of view for it."

"What was your answer ?" I demand.

"Seeming that vampires and shapeshifters exist, I couldn't give him a precise answer. But I can see that you're doing some good to her, so maybe the legend is real."

On those last words, he leaves the room and I glance back at my imprint. I noticed how everyone called her Alex, so I decided to find my own nickname for her: Lexie. She looks so innocent, yet she had to be involved in my world, where vampires and danger coexist.

I put my head on the mattress of the bed and slowly close my eyes. Just when I'm drifting to sleep, I feel something abnormal.

She squeezes my hand.

I raise my head brusquely and wait for her eyes to open. Her eyelids flutter and I can finally look into her shining blue eyes.

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28/01/19 : #88 in Death

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