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Morning came too soon for me, seeing as I slept later than usual.

With morning came the usual Monday rush. All of us want to get to our destinations in time and early.

Dad already left as usual. And at the back of my mind, was the thought that I would see Greg today.

After eating breakfast, we all went outside to await the arrival of the school bus. It came a few minutes later and off we went to school.

As I sat in the back of the bus, alone, because my brothers had located their school bus buddies, I thought about the happenings of the past few days.

I felt a drastic change in my life around the corner but I couldn't pinpoint what it could be.

I sighed as I thought about my conversation with Greg last night and how he made my heart flutter with just the sound of his voice.

"Tabby, what is wrong with you?" I asked myself.

I know I like him in a crush-like way but is it supposed to be?

All the Sunday school lessons have taught me that I shouldn't even feel that way towards the opposite sex unless I'm ready for marriage.

But I can't even resist the attraction. We are two opposites! I'm the stereotypical miss goody-two-shoes and he's the bad boy.

And I think he's also feeling the attraction, because why is he so interested in me all of a sudden?!

Now I get the law that like sides repel and opposite sides attract. But can't this form of attraction lead to something dangerous?

"Maybe I shouldn't overthink things." I thought again. And just cross the bridges when I get to them.

A honk from the bus brought me out of my deep thoughts. We had already gotten to school and I didn't even notice.

I was the only one left on the bus, that's why the bus driver had to honk to gain my attention.

I sighed as I walked towards the door and said a quick sorry to the driver who gave me an angry look.

In case you didn't know, angry looks are a common thing with school bus drivers. It's as if they took an oath not to be friendly with the pupils/students they drive. Like I cared about that right now. I already apologized, didn't I?

When I stepped into the class and I took it in, my eyes noticed a change but couldn't I get my brain to process it. Just as I dropped my bag on my desk, the assembly bell rang.

So, I and a few other students in the class rushed out to the assembly ground. It was the same routine daily.

We start with a praise and worship session, recite the national anthem & pledge, the school's anthem and then we listen to any available announcement.

Though our school choir is one of the best in the state. I just couldn't bring myself to enjoy them this morning.

The assembly ended and we all filed back to our classes.

As we SSS3 students entered our class and started dispersing to our various seats, I realized what the change was.

Rita always sat on my right in the front row and to my left was this fair guy called Bolu.

But as Rita and I moved to our seats we noticed that instead of Bolu, it was Greg sitting there. And surrounding him was his gang.

So, everyone who was sitting in the seats they currently occupied had been displaced to the back.

Wow! What is going on? I think he must have noticed the puzzled expression on my face because he stood up and moved close to me, for I stood awkwardly at the front of the class as if my feet had been rooted to the ground.

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