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A/N: Self-harm trigger warning!

I'm still finding it had to believe that Rita slit her wrist. I'd only ever seen that in western movies and assumed that it could never happen here in Nigeria.

Now, I know that depression isn't just a 'white thing'. The blow just hit too close to home.

To wake up one day and discover that someone that has held the title of best friend in my life for several years isn't here anymore is very disheartening.

Those first few months after her death was tough. Unfortunately, Rita was declared a BID (brought-in-dead) patient when we got to the hospital. When her parents were alerted and got to the hospital, the look of horror, grief and disbelief was evident on their faces.

Her mum wailing out loud, prompted the tears that I'd been trying to hold back. Her husband pulled her into a hug, also sobbing in his wife's shoulder.

Her mum kept repeating, 'how could I have let this happen?'

I went, in a haze, to go sit in a corner and Lolita followed, engulfing me in a hug whilst also sobbing.

The police were involved and there were a lot of interrogations that make me never want to be viewed as a suspect or involved in any cases again. The case was later concluded as suicide.


That word stings.

I've prayed every day since then that she finds mercy in the sight of the Lord.

Hers was a very small and private funeral service involving myself, Greg, Lolita, Phillip and her parents.

It was indeed a grey day.

I never want to lose a loved one again.

I never want to walk down the street and see someone resembling Rita and start to cry. Or act weird by following a voice I thought to be Rita's.

Oh, the things I'd do just to talk to her again...

Her parents ended up moving away. They said that the memories of her here were overwhelming and they needed some time away.

I totally understand them.


Today is Monday, August 10th.

Six months after the incident and I'm currently standing in the Muritala Mohammed Int'l Airport, Lagos waiting to board my flight to the UK.

Yes, UK.

A lot has happened in the past few months.

My mum resurfaced in my life. As unexpected and unwanted as it was.

I wrote and aced my WASSCE papers and so did Greg. I had all A's with Greg just short of one. All thanks to God.

I found out that my dad had had surgery.

I got offered a scholarship and was recognized by my school and state.

Jeremiah passed his BECE and is set to resume SS1 next month. Little Mikey, although not as little anymore, has also been promoted to JSS1 after passing the Common Entrance Examination.

Despite all my woes, I've had a lot of reasons to be grateful to God.

I never would have thought a few months ago that I'd be packed up on my way to UK to get my Bachelor's and Masters degree all on scholarship.

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