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It's today! February 16th! My birthday!!!!

Squealing into my pillow, I jumped from the bed. Kneeling on the rug, facing the rays of sunlight coming through the window, I said some rushed words of prayer in thanks and appreciation to God for Life.

I'm 18 today!!!

I'm so happy!

Where's that remote?

Frustratedly trying to play some music on the new stereo Rita sent to me two days ago as a pre-birthday present.

As soon as a praise medley from Sammy Okposo came on, I started to dance. It was whilst I was dancing that the door to my room opened and I was attacked my brothers hugging me whilst 'screeching' the 'Happy Birthday' song.

Yup! They can't sing to save their lives. But I loved their rendition anyways. It was 'screeched' with love.

Haha, Tabby!

"Awww! Thanks a bunch, guys! I love you." I said when they finished.

"We love you too! Quick! Come to the kitchen. We have a surprise for you." Jerry said excitedly.

As they dragged me towards the kitchen, I wondered what it was they could have planned without me knowing.

I smelt it before seeing it.

It was a very disastrous attempt to prepare yam and fried egg sauce.

Which is my favourite breakfast, by the way.

The yam peels were everywhere, and the sand too. Water was splashed on every available surface and the content on the plate looked like charcoal slices and watery-oily yuck. Sorry, I meant eggs!

"Guys! Whose idea was this?"

The kitchen was a mess. I don't even know where I'll start the cleaning from.

They both pointed at each other, each not wanting to take the blame for the 'crime'.

"We're sorry. We just didn't want you to go through the stress of cooking because it's your birthday." Mike said.

Their cute sorry faces were enough to make me forget about the mess they made, momentarily.

"Look, guys, you didn't have to go through all this trouble. Thanks for the surprise though. I'm very surprised." The latter was said sarcastically. Everyone knows they can't cook shit.

Swear alert! My mind reminded.

"That's not the surprise!" They both shouted.

"Then what is it?" I was beginning to get intrigued.

"Look to your left," Mike said in that cute, baby voice of his.

Upon looking to my left, I gasped.

There, on the kitchen island, the only space spared from their mini avalanche laid the most exquisite cake castle ever.

It was a buttercream, red velvet cake! The cake was in the shape of a castle.

Yup! I love castles. Don't judge! Who doesn't anyway?

Atop the castle's twin towers sat two candles that read 1 and 8, representing my age.

"Guys! It's very beautiful!" I said with tears in my eyes.

They both looked satisfied and relieved that I liked it.

"But guys, how did you do this? Where did you get the money from? Who made this?" I queried.

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