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Today is Sunday. I'm currently in church. I am certainly not concentrating on the sermon by the person preaching.

I know I should, but I haven't been able to get my mind off the kiss. It might be something casual to him but not to me.

I've been operating on autopilot since yesterday. I've also been trying to analyze how I felt before/after the kiss.

When I felt his lips crash on mine, at first I felt shocked and then it went on and I began to feel electricity course through my entire body.

Is that normal?!

Then, when his lips left mine, there was this tingling sensation I felt.

Heck! I can still feel the imprint of his lips on mine. This is so confusing.

I even swore, which is against my number one rule! I have a feeling I'm soon going to become a professional swearer.
If there's any such word!

And how do I feel about what Rita did?

I feel hurt and betrayed and angry and at the same, my body and lips are thanking her for making me experience the kiss.

Should I blame hormones for how my body is reacting to this? Or is it something I've always wanted?

And to make matters worse, I've got to face Greg and the gang tomorrow.

How am I supposed to face them? In what light are they going to look at me now? And I've got to talk to Rita eventually.

She has bombarded my phone with calls and messages, although I didn't answer or reply to any of them. The worse part of it all is the fact that Greg didn't even acknowledge that the kiss happened. He didn't even call me or anything. Or maybe he's not supposed to. I'm not used to this kind of stuff. Maybe there are rules. Gosh!

I finally snapped back to reality when I felt everyone around me rise for prayer except me and the girl beside me had to tap me.

I gave her a grateful smile. I didn't even know what we were supposed to pray about.

Whilst my eyes were closed, flashes of memory from the kiss kept playing in my mind.

Is this normal?

I seem to be asking myself that a lot lately. What have I gotten myself into?!

I sigh.


Monday morning came too quickly. I seriously wished I didn't have to go to school.

When did Tabitha Stephens start feeling like skipping school? My brothers were beginning to look at me funny.

They looked as if they didn't know what could be wrong with me and how to go about asking me.

As usual, dad had already left.
I quickly hurried through our Monday morning rituals.

I might not feel like going to school but it doesn't mean I want to get there late and ruin my record of being the most punctual student.

That, I can't afford to do.

"Eventually, you are gonna have to get off the bus Tabby". I said to myself.

I'm currently the only person remaining on the bus and I don't feel like moving.

My brothers were long gone. I'm wondering whether or not the driver saw me. Or maybe he's just ignoring me.

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