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"Yes? Come in!" I called out when I heard a knock.

I was expecting my secretary, Adesua.

"Adesua, please get me the files on our new intake. I mean the orphaned girl." I said to her without even looking up.

Surprisingly, it wasn't Adesua's voice I heard.

"Hello, beautiful."


"Greg! You're not Adesua! I wasn't expecting you!" I was perplexed and at the same time happy. It's been a few weeks since I last saw him. He has been away on a business trip.

Getting up from behind my desk, I accepted the hug I was pulled into, savouring the feeling of being in his arms again.

I felt the vibration of his chuckle before I heard him say, 'Of course, that was the plan. I wanted to surprise my queen.' I blushed after he said that. Thank God it's not visible.

He then continued saying, "Besides, I've got the files you asked for here. I told Adesua not to bother.
I hope you don't mind my actions.
And what exactly is that girl wearing?!"

I laughed at his latter statement.

He was talking about my Secretary's latest rave of pairing long multi-coloured, striped stockings and a mask with anything she wears. Today she also decided to put on heeled gladiator sandals.

"Trust me, her fashion choices tend to grow on you. I'm prepared for the worst as it is. And, I don't mind you being here.

I've missed you! How was your trip? More importantly, what did you get me?" I asked smiling.

"I've missed you too, Kitten. The trip was successful. All to the glory of God. The company takeover went as planned and Yuri is now able to live with her father. The custody battle was in our favour."

He was beaming as he said this.

"That's good news. The poor girl will no longer have to weather the series of abuse from her mum.

I'm so proud of what you do, Gregory."

In case you didn't know, Greg is a family lawyer. He tries to resolve issues in broken marriages and homes. He especially tries to help the children in these situations get out unscathed.

I believe that his passion for his job stems from his childhood experiences.

I'm so happy that he has devoted his life and resources to help others.

The business his company took over is a rehabilitation centre for those with any form of addictions.

He plans to turn it into a non-profit organisation.

It will be a part of his company's CSR and as he likes to call it, become his project.

"Thanks, Tabby. You were also a big help. I'm just so happy that you are in my life.

There's also another reason why I came here."

"What's that?" I asked him.

"If you don't mind Tabby, kindly wrap up your work here. Because I want to treat you."

"But aren't you jet-lagged? You just got back!

"Don't worry about me. I've got this figured out.

It is going to be a 3-day weekend date. And today is the first day."

His words got me excited trying to figure out what he might have planned.

"But today is Thursday, Greg!"

"I consider Thursdays part of the weekend. Come on! Stop staring at me like I've grown three heads. Let's head out."

I quickly grabbed my things and left Adesua some instructions before leaving with Greg in his car.

It's being a few months since I ran into Greg at the mall. Since then, things have progressed slowly.

We've started to learn and relearn stuff about each other.

It's very apparent that our relationship is serious and will most likely end up in marriage.

That would be a dream come true.

We now attend the same church and have become workers. Doing our best in serving God.

We have also been strict with the values of the Church.

There has been limited physical contact between us. Just a quick hug here and a chaste kiss there. Nothing too tempting. To aid abstinence, we've never spent the night at each other's houses.

We do visit each other but only when necessary and tend to keep it very short.

Most of our time is spent going out, having fun together and just trying to know everything about each other.

I wonder what this 3-day weekend date is all about.

This is new.

"Oh lest I forget, I did get you something. It's just not time for me to give you yet." Said Greg as we walked across the parking lot to where he was parked.

"Okay, Casanova! I hope it's gonna be worth the wait.

"I believe it's going to be." He replied somewhat nervous.

What is Greg hiding?

I pushed that thought to the back of my mind and focused on the beautiful scenery outside the car window.

It's a beautiful day today. The sky is very blue and clear with streaks of gold peeking through.

Lagos is just so awesome! Although it can be both hectic and chaotic, the fine weather we were blessed with is enough compensation. My appreciation for our fine weather grew after my stint in the UK.

We were currently heading towards the third mainland bridge. I made sure that the hospital and foundation were situated on the mainland to give all and sundry access to the help they need. It is not only the rich and Islanders that need help. It always baffles me to see that major NGOs that could benefit the poor better are situated on the island and not in the locality of their intended beneficiaries. It's not everyone that can afford to come to the Island.

Anyways, it turned out that Greg was taking me to our favourite spicy pepper soup place. It's called The Pepper soup Lounge. It is located at Agungi, Lekki. Their catfish and assorted meat pepper soup are to die for. Another reason why we love this place is that their prices are not as outrageous as most restaurants in Lekki. The long drive from the mainland is worth it.

Okay! I'm loving this 3-day weekend date already! As you all know, good food is the way to my heart.

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