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I was having a beautiful dream when I was awoken by loud voices that seemed to be arguing.

It took me a while to realize that I wasn't at home in my bed but instead at Greg's.

I opened my eyes, stretching into a yawn, to see Greg by the door having a heated conversation with his dad.

Wait! His dad? He's supposed to be in Mexico!

Oh, God. I'm not supposed to be here.

They haven't noticed my awakening yet.

"Gregory, what gives you the right to flaunt my orders? Haven't I told you never to have a party in this house again? Do you know how disgusting it is to come back from a long trip, tired, and meet your house in disarray? Drunk, sleeping teenagers everywhere, the whole place looking like a pigsty?"

As I listened to his dad, I shuddered at what Greg's punishment might be. It's all my fault. Greg did this for me.

But surprisingly, Greg gained the upper hand.

He started by laughing and then said, "What makes you think you have any say over my actions, you poor excuse of a man?"

To say I was shocked by his utterance is an understatement.

"You lost whatever authority you have on me as a father a long time ago. Besides, it's your fault for meeting the house in this state. It was supposed to be cleaned before you came back from Mexico which was meant to be tomorrow in case your memory fails you."

I was surprised at the harsh and disrespectful way Greg was speaking to his father but apparently, it's normal since his father did not rebuke him before replying.

"Oh, now it's bad to wrap up business quickly and want to come back to my own house early? Look, I've had enough of your immature tantrums. You are grounded from this moment onwards and all your accounts will be frozen. Maybe that will teach you a lesson. And as for your little girlfriend, I'm going to have her and those other morons outside arrested if they don't leave this place soon." He spat out, clearly irate.

I don't want to be arrested! I thought.

I got up from the bed and started to gather my things, my actions distracting them from their staring fest.

Greg spoke up, "Kitten, don't fret. I'll deal with this." Then he turned to his dad and said, "Dad, if you don't want mum knowing what we buried, you will do none of the things you threatened!"

Is he blackmailing his dad?! I asked myself.

"Are you blackmailing me?!" Asked his dad.

"What are you both hiding from me?" Asked his mum. "Oh! Hi, dear." She called to me when she noticed my presence, smiling.

How hadn't we noticed her entrance?

"I'm waiting for a response to my question." She quipped.

Greg just stood wide-eyed, mouth agape whilst his father appeared to be...stuttering? Who knew this man could be nervous?

A few minutes passed and Greg seemed to have regained his composure.

"You know what mum, I think it's high time you knew the truth because it has been eating at me for too long."

"Don't you dare say anything there, son." His father said, gritting his teeth and pointing.

"Let it out, Greg," His mum said, glaring at her husband.

Just as Greg was about to talk, we heard a loud ear-piercing scream.

Why does that scream sound familiar?

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