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Today is Saturday. I'm currently at Inez's room in her parents' mansion at Magodo. Rita and I are here to hang out with her.

Her room is every girl's dream. It's furnished with the best available in the world.

She has a queen-sized bed with a canopy atop it. The sheets are pink and made from silk.

The walls themselves are a work of art painted white and lemon in ways I haven't seen before.

Let me just stop here before I bore you with my inability to give perfect descriptions. My descriptive essays were always terrible.


What could I have possibly done to make Greg's dad not like me? And, what does it have to do with my mother?

I haven't been able to find answers to those questions since February 2nd, which is last Saturday.

A whole school week has gone by, and a lot happened during the week.

First, I don't know how she did it but Inez got a hold of my number and called threatening me to stay away from MY boyfriend.

Who does that?!

She had better get over her silly crush because things will never work out between her and Greg, at least not whilst we are together.

When I told Greg he just laughed it off and told me not to worry about her because she's all bark and no bite and besides, it's me he likes.

I felt a lot better after he said that.

The second juicy event to happen this week is that Greg's cousin, Lolita, and I have become great friends.

Herself, Rita and I have suddenly become the three Musketeers, which is great because we all get along well and she has almost the same personality as Rita. She's just more reasonable and practical.

I've been to the mall THREE times this week. Three times!

We are actually planning on having a slumber party on my birthday, which is next weekend by the way.

I'm so excited.

There's to be fun, games and lots of junks.
Ooh! Ice Cream and Pizza! Yum!

I just have this feeling that my birthday this year will be very memorable.

You're probably wondering when and how we got close.

I don't think I mentioned this but after we escaped 'Stupid Inez', that's my nickname for her, when we were leaving the party Lolita came up to me and asked for my number so we could keep in touch.

Come to think of it, Inez probably stole the number off Lita's phone.

Why didn't I think of it?

I remember hearing her walk into Lita's room and demanding to know who she was talking to during one of our long three-way conversations with Rita.

Mind you, these calls get so long that even Greg gets jealous.

He says that he doesn't get to talk long enough to his Kitten.

That's his new nickname for me based on the shape of my eyes, how cute I am and the fact that I have this supposed ferociousness in my personality. I absolutely love it!

Concerning his dad, Greg said he has no clues as to why his dad reacted that way but that won't stop us from being together.


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