Chapter 8: Waking up to a Shock

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I slowly open my eyes to the moonlight shining in through a window. As soon as I opened my eyes I am met with an unfamiliar face. I jolt up only to be pushed back onto the bed.

"Whoa there sweetie, I wouldn't try to move too fast. You have a slight concussion and your ankle is sprained pretty good." She explains calmly to me.

"W-Who the hell are you?" I stutter a little scared.

"Oh I'm sorry, my name is Grace, I live here." She says in a friendly and happy tone. She is a petite woman who looks to be in her mid twenties early thirties, but still taller than me about 5'2" with red hair and hazel eyes.

"Oh, I didn't know you lived here."

"Oh yeah, a bunch of us live here, but we're not always home."

"Oh. Wait where am I?" I notice I am in a big room painted in a dark royal blue color, picture frames on the desk in the corner by the large window. The bedroom is pretty large for one person. The bed I'm laying on is large and blue with a headboard with off white sheets and grey comforter at the end.

"You're in Shawn's room, he brought you here after he found you unconscious in the woods." I can vaguely recall what happened in the woods.

"What was Shawn doing in the woods?" Before Grace can answer Shawn comes running through the door frame. His eyes immediately go to me, relaxing as he looks at me.

"Why don't you ask him?" Grace says as she gets up to leave whispering something to Shawn before she goes somewhere out of the room.

Shawn runs to the side of the bed and immediately pulls me into his solid chest. I don't push him away, I find him rather comforting. Shawn has his face buried in the crook of my neck, breathing me in and sniffing my hair. He pulls away slightly to give me a kiss on my forehead. I instantly feel sparks fly from his lips.

"Thank god you're okay. I was so worried you wouldn't wake up." He looks like he is on the verge of tears.

"I'm fine. No need to flip over me honey." I say trying to pull him off me but his grip on me tightens.

"What the hell were you thinking?! You could have been killed. I told you not to go into the woods by yourself." He looks at me with anger and fear in his eyes placing another kiss on my forehead. I love the way he is being overprotective of me. What, stay focused Clara, you can't fall in love with him. Not after all you have been through.

"I was thinking I could handle myself and that nothing would happen to me because nothing has happened the million times I've gone into the woods by myself. I've lived on my own in the woods for four years of my life, I can survive." The whole time I say this he doesn't take his eyes off of me, staring at me with intensity and his death grip on me not loosening, almost like if he lets go I'll disappear.

"Not like this Clara, you can't always handle yourself against this. Also you're not alone, not anymore, you have me."

"That's very sweet of you Shawn, but I just met you like yesterday."

"So? They say you can feel a connection to someone just by knowing them for one day." As he says this his grip loosens, which gives me the opportunity to escape his grip and head for the door.

"Look I appreciate you taking care of me and all. But I really have to go. Tell Grace thanks for her help and I'll hopefully see you again sometime." I just had to get out of here as fast as possible. I couldn't fall for him I just couldn't. But deep down something in me told me he was different. I needed to get out and sort my emotions. I pull the door open, fortunately my ankle isn't giving me any pain anymore so I can walk on my own.

"Clara, wait it's not safe to go outside!" Shawn called after me but I was already through the hallway making my way towards the stairs. Luckily I knew my way around the house already. I went to the living room heading towards the front door, suddenly I see something in the big backyard. A big black wolf, a big white wolf and a bunch of other wolves all of different colors.

I go out to the back, they don't notice me coming. I see them one by one turn into humans, hearing bones breaking. My eyes are wide and I have my hands over my mouth, I look like I saw a ghost, my face went extremely pale. They notice me and they all turn to me with worry. I see Manny and Karen try to make their way towards me. I couldn't move from where I was so I stood there frozen. Shawn is behind me trying not to freak me out. Too late! Freaking out over here!

I let out an ear piercing scream which causes everyone to jump. I feel light headed and start to sway. Out of nowhere I fall to the ground and everything turns black again.

I wake up for a moment to find myself in someone's arms and they're kissing my forehead. That's the last thing I remember before everything goes dark again.

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