Chapter 16: Things are Getting Heated

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A/N: This chapter is smut filled. You've been warned. Also this is my first time writing smut. Hope you like it. :D

It has been a few days since Karen told me I had to stay at my house for a while. I am in bed wide awake at 1am, stressing over Shawn; I was very worried about him. He hasn't called or texted to tell me he's alright. I can't just lay here doing nothing. Against my better judgement I got my shoes on, got my keys and locked the door behind me.

I made my way to the house and used the key Karen and Manny gave me when I decided to move in with them. I opened the door and went inside only to be stopped by both the Jack's.

"Clara? Didn't Shawn tell you to stay away?" Jack J had a tone of concern in his voice.

"He did but I'm me and I didn't listen. Where is he?"

"Clara you need to leave now." Jack G tried to push me out the door but I am not budging.

"Why? Just because his temperature's high doesn't mean I should run away from the man I love. Where is he?" They both immediately look at each other then at me.

"You don't know what's happening, do you?" I shake my head and give them a sign to continue. "When a werewolf is in heat, it means they are thirsty and they need their mates...sexually." The awkwardness filled the room.

"How come you don't have this problem like Shawn does?"

"Because we don't have mates, it only happens to werewolves who found their mates."

"Okay, so what does that matter? If he needs me I'm there. Now where is he?"

"Clara you don't understand, a werewolf in heat likes it rough, really rough, Shawn's scared he'll hurt you." I get it, that's why whenever our make outs got heated he would always stop. But he wasn't in heat then, what does that mean.

"But in all the times that Shawn and I have made out if it got any further he would stop it. Why would he do that if he wasn't in heat then?" They both looked at me like I knew the answer to the question.

"That's just Shawn being Shawn. He's always treating you like a porcelain doll." Shawn doesn't know I'm still a virgin. I want to do it with him, I want to show my love to him so if this is what it takes to prove to him that I love him, I'll do it.

"Of course he would think that. Well I think it's time to show Shawn there's more to this porcelain doll than he thinks. Come on guys please tell me where he is? You know I'm not gonna stop till you do." They look at each other then at me and sigh in defeat.

"He's upstairs in his room." I look at them and give them a nod saying thank you and run to Shawn's room.

I get to his room and open the door to find the room in darkness with the only source of light coming from the window. I don't see Shawn anywhere in the room.

"Shawn, baby are you in here?" All of a sudden I'm pulled by my wrist hard inside the room and the door is shut behind me. I'm pinned against the door and my hands are held above my head.

"Clara? What the fuck are you doing here I told you to stay away?" Oh that voice I fell in love with, he sounds so scared and weak, my poor baby. He lets go of my wrists and backs away from me. "You need to leave. Now!" His voice is in a lower tone than normal and raspy. He's running his fingers through his hair, I wanna do that.

"Baby, I'm here because you need me. I'm not leaving you like this." I hear a growl but stand my ground, I know Shawn won't hurt me. I walk towards him and he just stays still.

"Clara I can't control myself. I'll hurt you or worse, I could never live with myself if I did that." I am now in front of him tracing my fingers over his abs. I look him in his eyes and give him a look that shows I'm not leaving. I take his hands and place them on my breasts.

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