Chapter 18: Meeting Shawn's Wolf

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It's official I have moved into the pack house with everyone. I had just finished unpacking everything and I went downstairs to help Karen with the food.

"Hey Karen, I just finished unpacking. It's official I'm moved in." She comes up and immediately hugs me. This past month I've grown very close to everyone in the house. Camila still doesn't like me, but maybe I'll change that, some how.

"Wonderful dear, can you help me prepare the dinner?" I smile warmly at her.

"I thought you'd never ask." I got to work straight away but felt something empty. "What the hell is wrong with me we need music." Karen nods in agreement and I run upstairs to get my phone and speaker. Karen and I decided to use one of my family recipes, Shrimp Gumbo. I was chopping vegetables to put in the gumbo. I turn on the speaker and Never Be the Same pops on.

"I didn't know you listened to Camila's music." My eyes shot to Karen. I didn't know this was her song. It was a really good song.

"I didn't know this was her song. Karen do you know why Camila hates me?" She sighs and nods her head slowly.

"It's probably because she and Shawn used to be lovers." That explains a lot.

"What? I thought I was his mate."

"You are darling it was just a fling, all she wanted from him was to be Luna."

"So basically, all she wanted was power?"

"Yeah pretty much. Shawn ended it long before he met you." I nod my head in understanding. I kind of figured Shawn would end it.

"What exactly is a Luna supposed to do?" If I'm going to be one I have to know what to do.

"Well, a Luna is there to help the Alpha any way they need. Like help train new werewolves in the pack, attend pack meetings with the alpha and provide heirs." I can't do any of those things I knew not being a werewolf wasn't going to work out.

"Oh great. Lucky me." I say while halfheartedly smiling.

"Karen, do you know how to become a werewolf?" She looks at me confused.

"The only way I know how is to be born one. If you have werewolves in your bloodline you automatically inherit that gene. Why?"

"I don't know just thinking." Maybe I could have been a great werewolf. I go back to chopping the vegetables when something hit me. "Hey Karen, I wanna pull something on Shawn but I'm gonna need your help." She looks at me with a sly face and I know she's in.

"What did you have in mind darling?" I come up to her and whisper my plan to her and she agrees.

A half hour later the food is ready. I help Karen set the table and call everyone down for dinner. Everyone came rushing down in a stampede, looks like everyone is hungry, I sat in between Shawn and Geoff.

"This is delicious, who made this dear?" Manny says with some food still in his mouth.

"Clara and myself, using one of Clara's family recipes." I nod my head and everyone is just enjoying the food some moaning at the taste. "Clara this is wonderful, thank you."

"Well it was my pleasure."

"Boy am I glad you moved in now we can eat this good every day. Not that we don't already." Cameron says with a huge mouth full coming out slightly muffled.

I mutter 'kiss up' under my breath and I hear Shawn snicker. I lean over to Shawn to whisper something in his ear.

"I want to talk to you when we're alone tonight."

"Oh, is there something wrong?"

"No, just want to clarify some things." He nods understanding, I kiss his cheek and get back to eating. Tonight I want to ask questions about his werewolf.


After dinner everyone was tired so we all went up to bed. I did my night routine and put on my pajamas and climbed into bed with Shawn. I snuggled close to him happily sighing.

"Well that was the best dinner I had in a while. Who new my girl was such a good cook?"

"I can't take all the credit, your mom was a big help with the prank." His eyes shot to me and I had a sly smile on.

"What prank?" He asks confused.

"The prank on you." I snort a little.

"What did you do?"

"There may or may not have been tomatoes in your dinner." I burst out laughing as he sat up and looked at me in shock.

"What? I thought you love me." He places his hand over his heart and fakes being hurt.

"I do, don't look at me that's what it said to put in the gumbo." I said through my laughing. He started laughing with me and kissed all over my face.

"I still love you even though you did poison me." I slap his chest and he fakes being hurt. After a while of comfortable silence I spoke.

"Shawn, can I ask you something?"

"Sure. What is it babe?"

"I wanted to know more about your wolf. Is it like a Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde kind of thing?" He giggles at my reference.

"Yeah it's something like that."

"I noticed when you were in heat your eyes changed color. Is that how I can tell who's in control?"

"Mhmm. Actually he's happy that you want to know more about him."


"Yeah, he actually wants to talk to you right now." Shawn's eyes change to a black color and I know his wolf is in control.

"Hello there."

"Hi, so you've been inquiring about me."

"Yeah I just wanted to say thanks for saving my life." He smirks and responds with a kiss.

"Shawn and I are always there for you princess."

"Can I ask you some questions?"

"Ask as many as you want."

"What's your name?"

"I don't have one. Shawn usually just refers to me as his wolf." What? That's terrible.

"That's not fair shouldn't you be called something?"

"It's never really bothered me." Okay this simply will not do for me.

"What about all the other wolves that live here? Do they have names to?" He shakes his head no. I can't believe this, I'll have to get right on that soon.

"How about I give you a name? I'd feel better if I could call you something other than Shawn's wolf." He looks at me in confusion but soon smiles.

"What do you have in mind?" I had the perfect name for him.

"Well how about Riker Griffith Mendes?" He looks at me with a tilted head.

"Why'd you give me a full name?"

"Why not you're technically a Mendes aren't you?" I smile and he smiles.

"Riker, I like it, Riker it is. I knew I picked a good one"

"Good. Now that that's settled I can finally know more of Shawn's 'Alter Ego'." I giggle and he does to.

So that's what I did, I asked Riker more questions like How do you know someone's your mate? Do you get to pick who is your human? and Is Shawn a good match for you? I think I knew the answer to the last question but I had to ask. I talked to Riker till I got tired and drifted off to sleep. I felt very satisfied that night, now I knew Shawn inside and out, literally.

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