Chapter 24: Sickness and Results

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Another week has gone by and I am just not up for today. I feel so tired all the time, nausea, my back aches. I probably have the flu or something, I'll have to find that out when I get to my appointment. Dr. Daniels called me this morning with news of my results I am on my way now to the clinic.

I get there and Dr. Daniels calls me into her office. She has me sit in the chair across from her desk. There is a long silence as she looks over the results then she speaks. Here it comes I know what she's going to say.

"So Clara my suspicions have been confirmed. Your test result are fine you have no problems and you are able to have children." Wow I did not see that coming.

"Wait, you're positive I can have kids?" She nods with a smile. I am in shock and I cannot believe I am fertile.

"Congratulations! Now while you're here I wanted to ask how you've been feeling?"

"Well to tell you the truth doctor I have been pretty sick. I've been nauseous, tired all the time, I feel weak some days and I've been having nasty cramps and back aches. But that sometimes happens when I have my period."

"Are you late for your period?" I should really start tracking my cycle.

"I don't know, I don't track it." She gives me a suspicious look.

"Clara, when was the last time you had sex with Shawn?"

"About three weeks ago, why?" She hums in response still with that look on her face. I'm starting to get very nervous.

"I would like to run some more tests on you they'll only take a few hours."

"That's fine I want to know what's going on." She gets up from her seat and brings me to a room and gives me a cup.

"I'll need a urine sample from you as well as a blood sample." I nod, take the cup and go into the bathroom and do my business. What is wrong with me? Well we are about to find out.


It has been two hours and I am starting to have some anxiety about these tests. I am sitting in one of the exam rooms just thinking about what could happen.

I see the doctor come back in saying she has the tests results. My heart and stomach are doing a million flips in the air. I hope what she has to say is good.

"Well Clara I have your results. They are good."

"What do you mean by good?"

"Well it'll depend on how you take the news."

"Am I sick?" The suspension is killing me.

"In a sense, you are. What you are experiencing is not PMS it's morning sickness. Congratulations Clara you're pregnant." My mouth drops down and my eyes go wide.

"What? You're sure I mean it could be a false positive."

"We tested your urine sample with other screenings. The blood test also confirms the pregnancy hormone is present in your bloodstream. Also with the symptoms you told me, there's no mistake, you're pregnant." I am in complete shock and am speechless one minute I thought I would never have children and the next I am having children. I have so many questions.

"Can I ask a few questions?" I have to get this off my chest.

"Of course, I can also give you a reference for an OB/GYN and perscribe you something for the nausea if you'd like." I nod, I need a new OB and something for this nausea.

I spent the next hour and a half asking questions. When can I tell people? How long till my first ultasound? How long until I start to show? Can I still have sex? She answered them all with, It would be best to wait after the twelve week ultrasound but that's up to you. You should have one in the next four weeks. You should start to show right around the end of your first trimester, which is about three months. Yes you can still have sex it will not harm the baby. Once I was done asking I felt a lot better, I want to surprise Shawn at the wedding. The wedding is a month away and I can't wait. It's gonna be hard to keep this a secret from everyone.

"Clara, before you go I would like to warn you, considering you're a human carrying a werewolf. I suggest you be very careful, I don't know how this will affect you or your child." I nod in understanding with that she sees me out. She gives me my perscription and reference, we shake hands I thank her and head for home. I am still in shock I am pregnant.

I rush home find Grace, Camila and Aaliyah and bring them to the basement to tell them. They all had worried expressions on their faces. I had a huge smile on my face.

"Clara, what's going on? Why'd you rush us all in here?" Cami asks with a worried expression on her face.

"I got the results from the doctor today, and she said I'm fertile. There are no problems with me." Everyone burst out into screams and happy faces.

"That's great I told you there was nothing wrong with you." Grace knew it right from the start.

"That's not all, you know how I've been sick these past couple weeks and I told you it was just PMS?" They all nod letting me know I can continue. "Well the doctor said it's not PMS, it's morning sickness. I'm pregnent!" Their eyes almost pop out of their sockets.

"Wait you're joking right?" Aaliyah asks with a look of disbelief.

"I am being serious you guys, I'm pregnant." Everyone is in shock and so am I.

"Oh my god you're going to be a mother and I'm gonna be an aunt." We all pull into a group hug and I am so happy.

"Wait aren't you gonna tell Shawn? He will certainly be over the moon happy."

"Actually, I'm also gonna need your help. I don't want Shawn to find out before the wedding. I don't want him to accidently use his werewolf super hearing to hear the baby's heartbeat. So it's up to us to make sure that doesn't happen." They nod in agreement.

"Please, don't worry about that he's pretty occupied with the business so I don't think we have a problem there." Aaliyah says in a matter of fact. "Wait you'll start showing soon. How are we going to hide that?"

"I talked to the doctor she said I won't start showing till October. So we don't have to worry about that. But just in case I'll wear really loose shirts." We all talk and formulate a plan for how I'm going to tell Shawn.

After we finish talking and everything is set, I am feeling pretty tired so I go upstairs. It is only 8pm and Shawn isn't home yet so I go upstairs to take a shower. All the while I can't help but think about the baby growing inside me. I get out dry myself off with a towel and blow dry my hair I put on pajamas and climb into bed and read my book while I wait for Shawn. I have my hand on my belly rubbing up and down. I thought it wasn't possible, well in this family I'm starting to learn the impossible is sometimes possible.

I hear padding coming up the stairs and I know it's Shawn he opens the door and sees me. He has a smile of success on his face.

"Hey honey how was the meeting? Though judging by the look on your face I take it that the meeting went well." I dog ear the page I'm on and set the book on the nightstand.

"It was a success, they signed the deal on our terms."

"That's great honey, I'm proud of you." He comes over to me and pecks my lips. "You look like you could use a shower."

"I actually could, How was your doctor's appointment? Did they find out what's wrong?"

"Oh it went as well as can be expected. They just said it was my PMS." I am smiling from ear to ear on the inside.

"Oh ok, well I'm gonna hop in the shower" with that he goes into the bathroom. He comes out with damp hair and a towel around his waist. He takes a pair of boxers out of his drawers and puts them on. He climbs into bed with me and spoons with me. I make sure to keep his hand away from my stomach, so he doesn't find out. "God I can't wait to marry you."

I turn to him and kiss his lips. "Me neither." We both start to drift off to sleep in pure relaxation. Content to be in one another's arms. I smile to myself knowing this isn't going to be an easy secret to keep, but it'll all be worth it in the end.

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