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***Milo's POV***

Nothing could have prepared me for today. Life doesn't work that way. You don't get a blaring, flashing light of warning.

I walk into my house. My book bag slides down my shoulder and hits the floor. I face my father. Steve has a look of murder and a smirk of knowledge. I freeze where I stand.

My head hits the back of the door as my eyes open in fear. The first punch makes contact and I barely flinch. The fist is so powerful that it produces a wave of pain so strong it numbs simultaneously. Blood flies from my nose as my eyes fill with tears.

"BASTARD! FAGGOT!" Steve screams into my ringing ears. Each word is punctuated with a matching blow. His face is red with anger and anticipation. Sweat boils under the pores of skin waiting to break out.

My head explodes into a fiery pain as the screaming becomes louder and more distant.

I feel the knee in my groin. The velocity of the kick sends a high pitched screech out of me, vomit projects from my stomach.

"Did you think they didn't call me? I followed you. I heard you tell that gay boy our secrets. He kissed you." Steve yells in my face. His hand grips my head. He slams my skull into the solid wood door. Once. Twice. Three times.

"You ruined everything. My name is worthless in this town. This is all your fault. Why were you even born?" The man, I call Dad, punches my temple. I slide down the door as my world spins on its axis.

"I don't even care that you suck dicks, you fucking whore. But, to tarnish everything I built. You disgust me. After everything we did for you." Steve kicks me continuously in my side as my ribs protest the assault.

I scramble to my knees to crawl away but, his size 13 steel toe boot collides with my jaw. My face whips to the side and blinding pain explodes in my facial bones. I lay below the six foot-two monster and gasp for air.

The door flies open and my mom walks in. Her face looks evil with her red lipstick smile plastered on her caked up face. She laughs maniacally while her red hair falls from it's french twist. She crosses her arms over her chest and stands at attention.

I let loose a prayer to please make it to help. I beg whatever God that will listen to send help. Please. I have to make it to Neko. He needs me. I need him.

My father picks up an object and slams it into my leg. The loud crack vibrates off the cathedral ceilings and wood floors of the living room. My leg throbs violently with sheer pain. I let out a monstrous scream of agony.

"Shut your cock sucking lips boy. No one is gonna save you. No one loves you." Marla screeches as she throws a lamp at my broken body.

"We should have left him at the hospital." Marla shakes her head. The motion looks too fast and all too slow. My eyes swell and the images blur. Another kick lands to my hip and I yelp.

Marla jumps on top of me and repeatedly slams my head against the oak flooring. I cough and sputter as my lungs beg for oxygen.

Her bony fingers wrap around my neck and her thumbs dig into the hollow of my throat. I kick my right leg trying to reach any portion of her flesh. I fight for purchase. My left leg won't move at all. It feels heavy and dead.

My coughing comes to a standstill as heat radiates down my esophagus and my eyes bulge. Sweat drips down my forehead and stings my eyes.

Marla releases me and I barely comprehend the words coming out of her mouth. She slams something into my right arm. A ripple of pain bursts thru the vibrations.

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