Perfect, Beautiful Disaster

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***Neko's POV***

When he said yes, my heart wanted to implode. My chest heaved. My soul felt whole. Every second with Milo is another gift the gods have blessed me with.

I watched as his smile threatened to break the skin of his cheek bones. I could feel the happiness that radiated off his body in satisfying waves.

The knowledge that he would be forever mine, did crazy, stupid things to my heart. I was literally floating through the party on cloud nine.

The night ended in the best of ways. My Koala slept peacefully against my chest. His intricate breathing patterns did everything to lull me towards a sweet slumber.

However, worry infiltrated my mind as an uninvited guest.

I could only hope that Monday did not steal my baby's thunder. I don't want anything bursting his precious bubble of bliss. He deserves happiness. He was, is and always will be my happy space.

I somehow found my self awakening to the gorgeous hues of pink, oranges and soft blues. I guess sleep finally found me. I smile widely when my hands find Milo's dark locks. I tousle each of his strands with my long fingers until he stirs awake on top of me.

"Good morning fiancée." I whisper.

"That wasn't a dream." Milo giggles.

"No sir, did you want it to be." I quirk my eyebrow at my adorable baby. He shakes his head no and blushes deeply.

I pick his left hand up and show him the proof of our promise.

"It's so beautiful. Thank you." Milo kisses my cheek.

Not accepting that puny little love tap, I smash my lips against his and steal his air supply.

"Batman." Koala whines as he pushes my chest playfully.

"What?" I ask in false hurt.

"I haven't brushed my teeth." Milo covers his mouth. It's not like he didn't brush them before bed. He's way too self conscious.

"I literally stick my tongue in your ass. I can handle your mouth." I laugh and grab my chest when he pinches my nipple and smacks me.

"You're gross." Milo glares at me.

"Funny, you don't say that when I'm fucking you with my tongue." I chuckle at the look of pure embarrassment on his face.

"Hate you." Milo whimpers adorably.

"Nah, you love me. You're going to be my husband. I'm going to fuck you and have babies with you. I'm going to keep you in these arms forever." I run my thumbs along his jaw as I look deeply into his olive orbs.

"Yeah, okay I love you. But, don't be disgusting." Milo points at me like I would even begin to let him boss me around.

"So, future husband. You wanna get out of the house? Or, what do you have planned today?" I ask my love. He smiles like I am the answer to every question he hasn't even thought of.

"I, um. Can we? I mean. I have one." Koala starts mumbling his words and I try to hold back the need to plunder his perfect mouth with my tongue.

"What's that baby? I don't understand gibber jabber?" I joke.

"I want us to go get you a ring. Please?" Milo bats his fucking eyelashes. Like he even had to throw in that level of perfection.

I groan while standing up. The boy makes me want to bury myself inside of him and build a god damn home.

"We don't have to." Milo shakes his head and I just cross my arms at his ridiculousness.

"Koala, I would love to wear your ring. I'm groaning because you're making me horny with the cuteness overload." I admit. I scratch my chin as Milo stands up and walks up to my chest.

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