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***Neko's POV***

It has taken two weeks for Milo to be released from the hospital. Physical therapy will be required to regain full movement in his left leg. I had to take an extended leave from my post in Hawaii. My Sergeant is being super understanding. Thankfully, I have so much personal time saved up.

We are getting ready for the transition to the Wallace household. Milo is so happy to see me. He is even happier that the authorities locked up Steve and Marla. They are being held without bond on Child Endangerment, Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, Assault with A Deadly Weapon, Battery and Attempted Murder.

I have thanked Max on too many occasions to count. His willingness to stand against Milo's protests is what set this ball in motion. Unfortunately, Milo was hurt in the process. That's just something we all have to grow from.

"You ready Koala?" I ask my brother as I watch the smile spread across his face.

"Yes. I'm so ready." Milo claps his hands and fist pumps the air.

"Don't tell me you're not gonna miss the hospital food." I joke.

"Yeah, how can I live without unrecognizable mush and unsweetened tea." Milo rolls his eyes playfully.

"I love you so much." I whisper as I kiss his cheek.

"I know." Milo grins while he rubs his dog tags.

"We are going to stay with the Wallace family. Then we will figure it out from there." I inform my Koala.

"I'm fine with whatever. I just want to get outta this place. Antiseptics stink and it's always uncomfortably cold." Milo shivers to emphasize his statement.

I lift him from the bed and place him gently into the wheelchair. We sign his release papers and I push him down the hall. Lux follows with our bags. Max carries the crutches that Milo will need for quite some time. Until his arm heals, he has to use a wheel chair.

We get Milo situated and Max sits in the back of the Wallace Navigator with Milo. Lux drives and I occupy the passenger seat.

"Are you hungry Bean?" Lux asks.

"Can we eat at the house? I don't feel like being carried in and out right now." Milo requests.

"Anything for my Bean." Lux smiles at my baby brother. I try not to let Lux annoy me too bad.

"We can go to a drive thru." I offer.

"Yes." Max says excitedly.

"Burger, fries, coke." Milo says. His voice is soft and I imagine the pain killers are kicking in. I peek back and sure enough his heavy eyelids are fluttering.

"We can wake him when we get home." Max offers.

"Lux are you sure about giving up your room?" I ask.

"Yeah Dude. He needs to be on the ground floor. You two take my room. Max and I can share." Lux confirms.

"You guys are awesome." I say in appreciation.

"It's Bean. You can't help but want to help him." Max whispers while positioning Milo's head on his shoulder.

"Don't go falling for my Koala, Max. I already gotta beat Lux off with a stick." I joke.

"Nah. We are straight up best friend goals." Max smiles at me.

"You sure are." I confirm with a bright smile.

"You love him don't you." Lux asks.

"Duh." I laugh.

"Nah, I mean like you are in love with him." Lux shrugs.

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