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***Neko's POV***

"Em will be here at four. She's bringing everyone. We gotta go by the store." I call the plans out to Milo as I finish getting dressed in the bathroom.

"I can't find my t-shirt." Milo walks thru the room without his shirt, doing nothing to help me not go back to bed.

"Baby, I swear to you. It's in your drawer. Second down on the right. Fourth shirt from the top." I walk into the closet and rush through tying my boots.

"Thank you." Milo slips his shirt on and kisses me as he grabs his dog tags.

"You're welcome love. Ready?" I grip his hand and he nods his head.

We are in a rush because well we sleep naked and morning wood.

"Can we hurry with all this? I'm really excited to get back home." Milo jumps into the front seat of the truck and closes the door while quickly buckling his seatbelt.

"That's the plan but, they won't be here until eight." I explain as I back out of the driveway.

"I know. I'm hoping to get a quickie in before they get here." I stare at Milo like the vixen he is.

"You're horny today." I chuckle.

"I'm horny everyday. All day. It's your fault." Milo smiles and changes the radio station.

We make it to the market and pretty much sprint down the aisles.

We're having a huge get together to get acquainted with Emme and Alexis. Aunt Susan, Uncle Jackson and our cousin Daniel are coming. The Bennett's and Wallace's are as well as Ky. I wanted to do a barbecue before we head off to Hawaii. The count down gets shorter every minute. Literally.

"Have we forgotten anything? It doesn't feel like it but, you know we don't want to leave out again?" I wrap my arms around Milo as he pushes the cart down the final aisle.

"We got meat, sides, drinks, condiments and dessert. We are going to the liquor store for alcohol so I don't really think so. Oh shit plastic wear. We need paper plates and cups as well as plastic knives, spoons and forks." Milo pushes the overly full cart towards the paper goods aisle and we finish up.

"Thank you baby. You remembered." I kiss his cheek and grab paper towels.

"Okay. Done." We pay the cashier and push the cart towards the truck.

"I need coffee." Milo yawns big and rubs his eyes.

"Before the liquor store we will go by Starbucks." I chuckle at his exaggerated sleepiness.

"You know, if we slept more and had sex less." I start to say.

"That's a stupid idea. Don't bother finishing it." Milo cuts his eyes at me as if I proposed sacrificing live animals.

"Okay. Okay. I was kidding anyways." I pull his hand to my lips and suck his finger into my mouth.

Believe me, I didn't like the absurd idea either.

We get coffee and he sits in the truck while I stock up on all types of alcohol.

Once home, we set up and I go ahead with dragging out the grill to make sure we have charcoal and lighter fluid prepared. I'm not manning the thing. I hate the smell when it settles into my clothes. That's all Mike and Luke.

"We're done." I settle on the couch beside Milo and pull him into my lap.

"Throwing parties is exhausting." My baby slinks himself into my arms and lays down on my shoulder. I rub his back slowly in case he needs a nap. He has always been a tired one. Not much has changed.

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