Trial : Part 1

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***Milo's POV***

Getting dressed is stressful. My hands are already shaking. I really don't want to do this. I don't want to be in a room full of strangers. I don't want to face my parents. I don't want their sins laid bare.

I know the town is aware of so many details. But, I just can't fathom having to relive the mortal hell I already packed safely away.

Standing in front of the mirror, I make an attempt with my tie. My hands are trembling so badly, it's hard to even succeed with the first knot. I ball my hands into fists and will them to calm down. I don't need this today.

"Come here." Batman whispers as he crooks his finger at me.

Sighing heavily, I walk towards my ultimate pillar of strength. Muscular arms work their way around my tense frame.

"I know this is hard. It will be over soon. You don't focus on anything but me and our family of friends. Don't you dare let them win. You are stronger than Marla and Steve. You are my Koala. You are beautiful and fearless. Don't let them take that away from you. If you need a break, you take one. If you want to cry, you cry. If after this, you need to hit something, we go to the gym. This is not your ending Milo. This is the final chapter of a life you already survived. You are a survivor. You are not weak. You are not a victim. Now stand up to the two pieces of shit and put them in their place. You deserve this." Neko says his speech with so much conviction. It grasps my soul and fortifies my spirit.

Neko's fingers work my tie into the perfect position. He straightens my collar. Then he leans down and kisses me softly.

"Me and you." Neko whispers. His fingers curl under my chin. His lips vibrate against my lips.

"You and me." I softly whisper. My head nods in agreement.

We meet all our friends to drive the two hours to Spokane.

The Wallaces ride with the Bennetts.

We take the Bennett's Lexus and pile ourselves along with Lux, Max, Natalie and Kyle into the vehicle.

The ride is pleasant. No one bothers to bring up what we are facing. Instead, we spend our time joking, laughing and singing off key to anything that Sirius chooses to play.

The trip is so short. I feel like we just entered the vehicle. Now, the large castle like building, stands tall in front of us. It's absolutely beautiful. It could be placed in the middle of Disney. Honestly, looks are so deceiving. Inside these walls are two of the worst humans in existence.

I pump my inhaler and breathe deeply. I expel the air before counting and repeating the process.

We meet Amy, Mike, Luke and Julie at the steps to the massive Superior Court building.

"You ready?" Mr. Luke grips my shoulder.

"I don't have a choice." I breathe out.

"You are not alone, honey. We are all here. We are here for you." Amy Bennett kisses my cheek.

"Thank you." I attempt a smile. Judging by the sympathetic faces of my entourage, I fail.

Neko grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. He pulls me close and I lean into his side.

I can do this.

I have to.

We make our way into the courtroom and are all called to the lawyer's conference room. Kyle has to stay in the courtroom. He isn't a witness. He just came for support.

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