Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine:
As Pretty As Ever


rimrose inhaled sharply, a laugh leaving her lips as she brushed the wet hair sticking to her face out of her eyes. She turned her head to look at Stanley, a large grin spreading across her face when she saw that he already had his eyes on her. "We found him."

Stanley nodded with a grin, sticking the key in the ignition as Primrose tore her eyes from his face.

Primrose gently rubbed her thumb against Harold 2.0's back. "Thank you, my handsome Stanley."

"Yea-Yeah, yes, of course. No.. No problem.." Stanley stammered out, clearing his throat and drumming his fingers against the steering wheel.

He watched in silence as Primrose quietly spoke to Harold 2.0, a large grin spreading across her face.  Stanley's eyebrows knitted together when she turned to look at him, an unreadable expression passing over her face.

Primrose silently reached forward, pressing her hand against his cheek and gently rubbing her thumb against his cheekbone. He inhaled sharply, suddenly feeling the urge to reach up and take her hand into his. Stanley's heart jumped as she grinned at him, slowly retreating her hand. His face warmed up as his mouth grew dry. "Wh-What.. uh, what-what was that for?"

"There was mud on your face, my handsome Stanley." Primrose hummed, turning her head to look out the window. Stanley grinned, silently looking down at his lap from the nickname.

Stanley liked it when she called him that. He liked it a lot. He liked it far more than he'd ever say to her, even if she asked him directly. He would even go as far as to say that he loved it when she called him that. Because he did.

Stanley loved it when she called him My handsome Stanley.

"If I was a weather.. I'd be a.. hm.. I'd be snow."  Primrose hummed, raising her arm to look at Harold 2.0 as Stanley shifted gears and began driving away from Ricky Berry's house. "I think you'd be.. you'd be sunshine, handsome Stanley. You'd be sunshine. Because no matter how much this beautifully evil world rains on you.. You always shine through it all. I admire that about you, my handsome Stanley.

Stanley laughed, trying to force the blush down. "I-I think you'd be sunshine, too.."

Stanley wished he could bring himself to say more, but she spoke so much more eloquently than he did and he didn't even know where to begin.

Primrose blushed, a giggle slipping past her lips as she pressed a short kiss to Harold 2.0.

A wish flashed through Stanley's mind. A wish that caused him to zone out as he drove through the forest.

Why did he want her to kiss him?

"Watch out!" Primrose gasped, squeezing her eyes shut as a figure appeared beside the road.

"Oh, fuck!" Stanley cursed, slamming on his brakes and swerving as a figure rushed past his car. Primrose winced as her head hit the back of his carseat.

"Are you okay?" Primrose asked, unbuckling herself from the car and getting out carefully. She grimaced at the site of the car, her eyes turning to Stanley quickly as she scanned his face for injuries.

"Fuck!" Primrose jumped, her eyes widening as she stumbled into Stanley when the trees around her crashed to the ground at once.

Her free hand clasped around his as she looked around the forest in shock. Harold 2.0 tighten it's grip on her arm as she leaned closer to Stanley as the sound of crunching wood echoed in the valley.

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