Chapter Two

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Marley POV:

I woke up to find a random girl from the club the night before in my bed and sighed. This shit was getting old. I mean, sleeping around had been fun for a while but I was almost thirty and I was ready to settle down with one woman.

"Morning." The girl said, groggily.

I don't even remember her name. It was Samantha or Sandy or some shit.

"Hey." I said awkwardly.

"Call me." She said, writing her number down and handing it to me.

As soon as she was out the door, I threw the paper in the trash can by the bed.

I sighed heavily and got ready for work.

Kade and Ryder were happily in love with their old ladies and about to become parents. I didn't realize how much I wanted that until I witnessed it with my brothers.

Hell, Kade was about to get married.

I walked downstairs to get some breakfast with the rest of the MC and saw the kitchen was full with my hungry brothers and sisters.

"Hey, brother. Another wild night?" Dean asked. "What?" I asked. "We saw some chick leave this morning." Danny replied. "Whatever, man." I told him, filling my plate with bacon and eggs.

"Damn, what crawled up your ass?" Kade asked. "Nothing, dude. I just have a hangover." I said.

"Marley, do you think you could take the tow truck to the diner down the road? I got a call from a woman that said her car broke down and I swamped at the garage." Danny said. "I have to work." I replied. "You own the place. Please?" He asked. "Sure, man." I said and headed to the garage to get the tow truck.

When I got to the diner, I found a woman standing by her car with a young boy.

"Call for a tow?" I asked.

When she turned around, I couldn't help but stare at her. She was fucking beautiful. She had long blond hair with the most beautiful green eyes I'd ever seen.

"Yeah. Thank you so much." She replied. "Hope in. I'll get the car ready." I told her.

"Come on, baby." She told the little boy and took his hand.

"What's your name?" I asked the woman as I drove back to the garage. "Cheyenne. This is my brother, Jack." She replied.

"How you doin' big guy?" I asked him. "Good." He replied, shyly. "I'm Marley." I told them.

"Thank you again for this." Cheyenne said. "It's not problem, really. I'm happy to help." I told her and smiled.

"Where are we sleeping tonight, Cheyenne?" Jack asked her. "We're going back to the motel for now, sweetheart." She told him. "I'm guessing your not from around here?" I asked. "No, we're from Virginia." She told me.

"We're going on a trip." Jack said and smiled. "You are?" I asked and smiled back at the boy. "Yeah." He replied. "Where to?" I asked. "We uh.. We aren't sure yet." Cheyenne replied, nervously.

"You said you're staying in a motel. Which one?" I asked. "The Blue Bird." She replied. "That shit hole? Why there?" I asked. "We don't have a lot of money right now. I need to find a job." She said.

Then, I remembered that I needed someone to run the front desk at the shop.

"I might have something for you." I told her. "Yeah?" She asked. "I own a tattoo shop in town and need someone at the front desk, if your interested." I said.

Her eyes then lit up.

"That would be wonderful. Thank you so much." She replied. "After we get your car set up at the garage we'll head over and I'll show you the ropes." I said. "I don't have anyone to watch Jack." She told me and looked at her brother. "Bring him. I'm sure we can find something for him to do." I said. "Thank you." She said with a small smile.

This girl was the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen.

"Do you like to draw Jack?" I asked him.

The boy smiled widely at me.

"Yes." He told me. "So do I. I can teach you a few things." I said. "Really?" He asked, excitedly making me laugh. "Sure." I replied.

When the three of us got to the shop I gave Jack some paper and colored pencils while I showed Cheyenne to the front desk.

"What you basically need to do is answer the phone and set the appointments." I said. "Sounds easy enough." She replied. "Yeah, but you may have to deal with a few assholes once in a while." I told her. "I can handle it." She said. "Good answer."

"You go ahead and get familiar with everything while I set up." I told her. "Got it, boss." She laughed.

Cheyenne looked very young. A lot younger than me. I was seriously attracted to this girl, but I couldn't help but wonder if she was running from something. I intended to find out.

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